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Luna Baseball Coach Eric Wright Says Fall Semester Was Great

  Luna baseball coach Eric Wright and his student-athletes recently culminated their 2023 fall season. The following is a one-to-one interview with Coach Wright as he provides insights on his baseball team.

What is your official title?

Head baseball coach

When did you start here at Luna?

I started July 31, 2023

How has your first semester on the job been like? 

The first semester has been great, working with players has been exciting, they work hard and listen and the team has made big strides in their development this semester.

What is your coaching philosophy?

I have three simple things I try to do every day: 1. Recruit ball players 2. Help players figure out what they need to work on, give them the drills to get better. 3. Stay out of the way of their progress.

What is a successful day for you and your baseball team? 

A successful day is the team getting better at what we are trying to accomplish.

How important is it for your student-athletes to not only be competitive on the field but in the classroom as well? 

They are student-athletes; I take more pride in their academic accomplishments than anything on the field.

How has your team adapted to you as a coach and how have you adapted to your new team? 

The players have done a great job learning, working on what I think is important to win baseball games, and I have learned a lot from the players on how to make them better.

Your team workouts seem to be very organized and competitive. What grade would you give your team based on field performance for the fall semester? In addition, why would you give your team this grade? 

I give the team a B. This grade comes from how fast the team picked up on what was important in my philosophy and worked hard to be in such philosophy every day.

Although you’ve only been at Luna a short time, how do you think your team will do in the spring season?

I think the team has the ability to be very competitive this spring because they saw the results when we played each game and were successful at all the little things you need to do in baseball.

What type of student-athlete will you be recruiting?

I always want to recruit ball players, the player that knows the game and works hard every day to get better at the game.

Any final message you would like to share?

I hope everyone comes out to watch these young men play games this spring.




 Luna Baseball Coach Eric Wright oversaw team workouts at the Gerald Ortega Wellness Center.


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