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Colfax County AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday November 16, 2023 10:00 AM

Thursday November 16, 2023
10:00 AM
Angel Fire Airport
Owned and Operated by Colfax County, New Mexico
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approve Regular Meeting Minutes: September 17, 2023, Meeting
6. Recognize Visitors and Guests
7. Public Comment
8. New Business
a) Colfax County official’s update: snow removal equipment.
b) Local elections and their AFAAC impact.
c) AF Resort update.
9. Old Business
a) NMDOT/FAA grant update: Part 135 operations, fuel farm containment,
Airport improvements.
d) Hangar bid/construction update:
e) Private Hanger Lease update:
f) Parking lot refurbishment:
10. Airport Manager’s Update
11. Board Member Announcements/Updates.
12. Next Meeting – TBD
13. Adjourn

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