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Colfax County Board of Commissioners Amended Regular Session on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 9:00 A.M.

October 24, 2023
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Colfax County Board of
Commissioners will meet in Regular Session on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at
9:00 A.M., in the Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor at the Colfax County
Building, Raton, NM for the following:
This agenda can be viewed at the Colfax County Website at
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Salute to the New Mexico Flag
4. Approve Agenda
5. Approve Regular Meeting Minutes for October 10, 2023, and Emergency
Meeting Minutes for October 17, 2023.
6. Recognize Visitors
7. Public Comment
8. Presentation – Raton Pickleball Club
9. Discuss/Approve Indigent Care Claims
10. Discuss/Action – Service Agreement Between Accurate Control Inc.,
Security Automation Systems and Vigil Maldonado Detention Center
11. Discuss/Action – Cancel RFP 2023-003, IT Services
12. Discuss/Action – Approval of IT Service Contract Between Colfax
County and Amedeo Tech Services and Misc.
13. Discuss/Action – Resolution 2023-35, Resolution Supporting the New
Mexico Counties 2024 Legislative Priorities
14. Discuss/Action- Resolution 2023-36, Resolution Supporting the Rights
of Citizens of The State of New Mexico, and Colfax County to Seek
Redress Through the Use of The Referendum Process as Approved and
Authorized by The Constitution of The State Of New Mexico
15. Discuss/Action – Temporary Full Time Positions for Sheriff’s
16. Discuss/Action Resolution 2023-37, Acceptance of Law Enforcement
17. Discuss/Action – State of New Mexico DFA LGD Capital Appropriation
Project Amendment No 1
18. Discuss/Action – Local Driving While Intoxicated (LDWI) Grant
Agreement Amendment No. 1 for the County DWI Program #24-D-G-05
between the Department of Finance and Administration and Colfax County
19. Discuss/Action – Approval of Fencing at Black Lake Fire Station/
Dumpster Location
20. Discuss/Action – November and December 2023 Meeting Dates.
21. Discuss – Quarterly Department Updates
22. Commissioners’ Docket
23. Managers’ Docket
24. Adjourn
Done this 19th day of October 2023
Salute to the New Mexico Flag – “I salute the flag of the State of New Mexico
and the Zia Symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures.”

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