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In Loving Memory of Frank Felix Roybal

NAME: Frank Felix Roybal, age 52, died on Wednesday, December 29, 2021 in Clayton, New Mexico.

BACKGROUND: Frank Felix Roybal was born on February 9, 1969 in Clayton, New Mexico to Frank and Marcia Roybal. He spent his childhood in Clayton. When he was a teen the family moved to Santa Fe. He worked various jobs until he found his real talent in construction. Frank loved to work and was always ready and willing to do any job no matter the risk. He worked on many building projects in Santa Fe with a crew of guys that were like family. In 2000 he met his wife and moved to Amarillo, Texas. Frank started work as a heavy machine operator and worked for many years. When Frank wasn’t working, you could find him grilling or fishing. Frank was a quiet man with a big heart esppecially for his wife and mother. He was preceded in death by his wife Irene Roybal and dad Frank Roybal.


MOM: Marcia Roybal of Clayton, New Mexico.

2 BROTHERS: Albert Roybal of Clayton, New Mexico and Steve Roybal of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

4 CHILDREN: Isaac Roybal of Santa Fe, New Mexico, Jolene Roybal of Espanola, New Mexico and Anastasia Roybal and Zachariah Roybal both of Amarillo, Texas.

His Aunts Emma, Alice and Carmen and Uncle Eddie all of Clayton, New Mexico.

Cousins Paula and Anna of Clayton, New Mexico

And numerous family and friends.

C 2005-2018 KRTN Enchanted Air Radio