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Raton and Maxwell Split Games Friday Night

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media

Friday night gym lights was the scene as Raton hosted the Maxwell Lady Bears and Bears for a two game session in Tiger Gym with the girl’s cowbell up for grabs in the second set of games in the new year.

The Lady Tigers kept it close for most of the first half before the Lady Bears kicked it into high gear and started dropping the ball in the net. Maxwell outscored Raton 17-9 in the first quarter followed by a 19-11 second quarter. The game was also marred by fouls as both teams made several trips to the free throw line. Audriana Apodaca went to the line 10 times while Alex Hoy also made 10 trips to the line where she added nine points.

The second half of the game saw Maxwell add the buckets to pull away by a healthy margin ending the game with a 74-39 score and retaining the girl’s Cowbell.

The boys game saw Raton take the quick lead scoring 21 points in the first quarter with William Berry scoring all of his 10 points in the quarter. Raton held Maxwell to only four points in the quarter scoring 17 points before Maxwell made a single bucket. The second quarter saw both teams go basket for basket and end the first half with a 34-17 score.

Second half action continued the fairly equal scoring trend with Raton besting Maxwell by a single point in each quarter of the second half. Unlike the girl’s game fouls were few and far between  with Maxwell going to the charity line three times more than Raton did making 66% of their shots.   At the buzzer Raton kept the Cowbell with a 57-38 win.


Maxwell  17  19  14  24  74
Raton         9  11   6  11  39

Maxwell High Point
Audriana Apodaca 34  8 of 10 free throws
Alexi Hoy 25  9 of 10 free throws  4 3-pointers
Shiann Wiesdorfer 9 3 of 6 free throws
Free Throws 22 of 33 attempts

Raton High Point
Abby Phillips  11  3 of 7 free throws
Giana Marez 8  2 of 4 free throws
Free Throws 14 of 26 attempts


Maxwell  4  13  9  12  38
Raton   21 13  10  13  57

Maxwell High Point
Rowen Floyd  8  2 of 2 free throws
Orren Floyd 16  3 of 4 free throws
Free Throws 10 of 15 attempts

Raton High Point
William Berry 10
Matt Quartieri  22  2 of 3 free throws
Free Throws 3 of 5 attempts

Its a scramble for the loose ball as Sophie Medina (20) Giana Marez (23) Shiann Wiesdorfer (20) and Abby Phillips all try to gain control Friday night in Tiger Gym
Abby Phillips meets Shiann Wiesdorfer as she heads in for the shot Friday night in Tiger Gym.
Sophie Medina and Shiann Wiesdorfer tussle for the ball during the game Friday evening in Tiger Gym.
Jayden Turner and Samantha Phillips reach for the rebound during the game Friday night in Tiger Gym.
Shiann Wiesdorfer goes for the shot as Sophie Medina makes the block as Kira Medina gets a hand in the mix Friday night in Tiger Gym.
Shiann ?Wiesdorfer and Alexi Hoy go for the rebound Friday night in Tiger Gym.
Giana Marez manages to gain control of the ball as D’Laney Petrini and Kiara Hoy reach for the ball Friday night in Tiger Gym.
Abby Phillips heads to the floor with the ball as D’Laney Petrini draws the foul Friday night in Tiger Gym.
Abby Phillips struggles with Alexi Hoy for control of the ball as Abby tried to thread the needle going to the basket Friday night in Tiger Gym.
Whoops there goes the ball as Matthew Quartieri and Kaden Criswell reach to control the ball during the Game Friday evening in Tiger Gym.
Cayden Walton and Orren Floyd tangle for the rebound Friday night in Tiger Gym.
Rowen Floyd on the floor after loosing the ball looks to the referee as does Dylan Quartieri and Will Berry for a call during the game Friday night in Tiger Gym.

Matthew Quartieri goes up for the shot as Orren Floyd gets hand on the ball for the block Friday night in Tiger Gym.
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