By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton Water Works Manager Dan Campbell is asking that citizens of Raton not do any outside watering for the next 72 hours while the water department deals with the runoff water from recent rains.
Campbell explained to commissioners that the recent rains have created a turbidity issue at the water plant. Turbidity is sediment, silt, sand and trash which muddies up the water. There has a lot of sediment and such washed into Lake Maloya and is being pulled into the water system, which takes extra work to be removed from the drinking water. Campbell explained that the amount of rain is more the problem and that all the sediment ponds that were built to deal with the Track Fire burn scar are full and overflowing thus causing additional runoff into Lake Maloya.
Stella Sintas presented a letter to the commissioners in response to not being allowed to speak during the July 9 meeting. Mayor LeDoux indicated that the issue occurred during the business portion of the regular meeting not during the public comments period. Sintas also complained about potholes, former City Manager Pete Kampfer and the aquatic center as well as the $6 service fee that will be up for referendum in September at a cost to the city of about $6000.
Martha Phelps spoke about the flooding issues on Park Avenue explaining that the water had run into her business at Second and Park. City Manager Butch McGowen informed the commissioners that Resolution 2013-26, which the commission passed during the business part of the meeting, will address the flooding issues on Park. This is a grant agreement with the New Mexico Department of Transportation.
Commissioners also approved Resolution 2013-27 to finish off the street work on South First Street after the water department work that replaced some old water line.
Commissioners approved the precinct assignments for the special election in September. They also approved the budget adjustment dealing with the Juvenile Justice grant.
Commissioners heard from David Stafford concerning upcoming tree planting projects in downtown. He is requesting assistance with the projects from city staff. The help he is requesting is for concrete cutting and water taps to water the trees. Commissioners approved Resolution 2013-29 to make that help available for this beautification project. The tree planting projects are being made possible with grant monies that Grow Raton has applied for and received.
City manager Butch McGowen indicated that they received a letter from Mark Van Buskirk concerning the land next to the landfill and that a tort claim will likely be filed. The city will work on pothole repairs as soon as cold mix arrives many of the street repairs will be a 50/50 split with Raton Water Works who purchased the cold mix for street repairs.
McGowen also asked that the citizens continue to help out in keeping their weeds mowed and helping the elderly with their yard work. He also asked that citizens continue to help with the bear problem and keep trash picked up. It is also suggested that citizens check when there particular part of town is scheduled to be picked up by the sanitation department and put your trash in the dumpsters on pickup day so that there isn’t anything in the dumpster for bears to pick through.
The city commission will meet again on Friday July 26 at noon to go over some budget items. The next regular meeting is scheduled for August 13 at 6:00 p.m.