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Raton Prepares to go Back to School Remotely at First

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media


Raton Public Schools will begin preparations with teachers doing In-Service training beginning August 11, but how much of that will be in person versus online training will be confirmed in the upcoming week.

Students will return to school in August in an online format with in person classes beginning September 8th for K-2ndgrade. The Raton Intermediate School will return later, on September 21 with the High School coming back October 5th. Of course, as Dr. Bonn points out all that could change between now and then.

Bonn has spent the last few weeks working out details for technology upgrades noting that upgrades to the high school WIFI are forth coming. The WIFI and other technology in the school is older than 13 years and is in bad need of upgrading. The high school is fed with fiber optics which Bonn noted was greatly underutilized. Students and faculty can expect to see new computers with Longfellow students seeing new iPads.

As for sports its anyone’s guess since there will be no contact sports in the fall and depending on numbers may not happen this year. He noted that coaches and high school admin will be working together to work out schedules for multi-sport students.

Bonn noted that transportation and meals are a big part of what he is working on as well. Students riding buses will be temperature checked and must wear a mask. He noted that families with students in multiple schools will have first priority on scheduling as will families with students in the same school. He says the district is working with parents to make things as easy as they can. It was also noted that while masks are required the district has ordered several face shields which many teachers have requested rather than masks so speaking in class would be easier to do. Face Shields will also be offered at Longfellow for the younger students.

As was noted in Dr. Bonn’s last interview all of this could change in the next couple of weeks. NMAA is meeting again on Wednesday and may make more changes to the upcoming sports season.

Dr Christopher Bonn met with KRTN to update parents as the school district moves toward reopening.

One Comment

  1. Jared Simmons Jared Simmons July 31, 2020

    There is a basic irrefutable fact that makes face to face school unworkable. No matter what you do to try to manipulate an out dated system in the present situation the fact remains; The schools can not control the student’s home environment! What ever is in the home will be brought to school. Do you really think that all the families will be socially inactive all year long?

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