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Fund NM Schools 100%; Show our students who you Represent

OP-ED By Mary Parr-Sanchez NEA-NM President

Contact: Steve Sianez

NEA-NM Govt Relations/Communications Director
Steve Sianez 956.771.4619

Never has the state’s education system, health care system, and criminal justice system faced the challenges presented in the first half of 2020. Our country is sick with a virus that has claimed over 100,000 lives in three months and will devastate our economy for years to come. We are sick with the old virus of racism that has claimed millions of lives since the birth of this country. We are sickened by the violent and senseless death of another human being. This is what I know for sure: The best solutions will arise when those who care about children, and put their safety and well-being first, come together and co-create the change our state and nation need. Our hope for a better future lies in our children.

Schools across the state shut their doors to in-person learning and educators were thrust into a virtual learning environment overnight, many with little to no training or technology to fall back on. Other staff had to continue working at the schools – often in dangerous conditions, to ensure that students had access to food and clean schools when they return. What has been revealed to the public is what educators have always known: Our brick and mortar schools and staff are first responders for children and families, when it comes to food insecurity, health care, behavioral health and safety. Schools also must be centers where children learn about “the common good” of looking out and caring for one another.

After all that educators have been through this past year, our society simply can’t afford to cut our way out of current dilemmas. This strategy, a holdover from the past state administration, has failed for nearly a decade. Except for one year – last school year – educators across all the professions have taken home less money than the year before, all the way back to 2008. Meanwhile, we have seen our students sink to the very bottom of the education and child well-being rankings. While we’ve seen the very beginning of a new strategy under the leadership of Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham, we now find ourselves facing a Special Legislative Session that could slash budgets for schools in the upcoming year and beyond. We were already facing a teacher shortage, a bus driver shortage, a substitute shortage and rising health care costs. How do these shortages put children and their well-being first?

Sufficient school funding is the law. We can’t let school budgets get the buzz saw.


Mary Parr-Sanchez is the ninety-eighth president of NEA-New Mexico. She took office on July 15, 2019. Mary taught middle school history, civics and geography for 25 years in Las Cruces Public Schools and is a constant advocate for students, families and staff in Las Cruces and across the state. Mary was a longtime leader in NEA-Las Cruces where she championed local autonomy of school communities; she served as a building representative (AR) for 15 years which led to local and state leadership. Serving as vice-president of NEA-New Mexico for 6 years has been an honor, and she is humbled to serve as president.
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