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Con Alma Invites Nonprofits to Apply for Emergency Assistance; Nonprofits can Apply for COVID-19 Grants Starting June 2

May 29, 2020                                      Contact: Dolores E. Roybal, executive director

                                                     or (C): 505-577-0352

(Santa Fé) – Con Alma Health Foundation announced today that it will distribute $880,000 to New Mexico nonprofits that are providing basic needs, including health care, food distribution, emergency housing and financial aid, to people most impacted by COVID-19. Con Alma will award grants on an expedited, rolling basis starting June 2 to help vulnerable populations receive the care and support they need.

“Some of our populations in New Mexico have been disproportionately harmed by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Dolores E. Roybal, Con Alma’s executive director. “We hope our funding will address short-term needs for communities facing daunting health challenges as well as help develop strategies for an equitable recovery.”

To apply for grants, visit Grants will range from $7,500 to $20,000.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation awarded a $1 million grant to Con Alma Health Foundation as part of its $50 million humanitarian aid to support families and communities experiencing the greatest strain under the COVID-19 health emergency.

In addition to the grant awards to nonprofits, Con Alma will collaborate with the New Mexico Health Equity Partnership, an initiative at the Santa Fe Community Foundation, to collaborate with others working on COVID-19 recovery efforts to:

  • Leverage resources
  • Prevent duplication of efforts and services
  • Identify and address under-served needs
  • Create a plan for the equitable recovery from COVID-19 that focuses on long-term policy and system change strategies that address health disparities and advance health equity

“We will use our experience as an equity foundation and tap into the networks we’ve developed over the years to consider what we can learn from this experience and how we can advance health equity, and strengthen our infrastructure and our fragile safety net so all of our populations can be better prepared for any crisis,” Roybal said.


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