By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton city commissioners began their meeting by reorganizing with Commissioner Mantz being selected as Mayor and Commissioner Segotta was chosen as Mayor Pro-Tem.
Commissioners then chose the boards and committees they will serve on with Commissioners staying on the boards they have been on and the two new commissioners filling in where the others left open with a couple of exceptions.
Commissioners approved Ordinance 988, which is a loan agreement with the New Mexico Finance Authority for the purchase of the two new solid waste trailers. City Manager Butch McGowen noted in his report that the trailers had arrived and training had been conducted today on the proper operation of the sliding floor.
Commissioners heard from Scott Berry about the application for Municipal Arterial Program funds to reconstruct Tiger Drive. The city is requesting $300,000 for the project and will match that with $75,000.
Commissioners approved Ordinance 989, which deals the codification of ordinances. The city’s ordinances are submitted to American Legal Publishing Corp. to be published online.
Commissioners again tabled the agreement with the Holmans and Douglas for the cost of waste transported to the landfill after the El Portal fire.
Commissioners approved the creation of a Financial Advisory committee. The committee will consist of five people including one commissioner, the finance officer and three other members with financial backgrounds.
Commissioners approved budget adjustment number six which moves money into the solid waste fund to cover the cost of the solid waste trailers until the money from the New Mexico Finance Authority arrives.
In the city managers report City Manager Butch McGowen informed commissioners that a group will tour the City Market building since it will possibly be donated to the city.
Ground breaking for the new building at the Troy Street fire station will be on March 18, 2014.
Commissioner Neil Segotta then presented McGowen with a number 200 pencil for his big chief tablet. Commissioners will meet again on March 25 at 6:00 p.m. in the city commission chambers.