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Transportation Department Permits Food Trucks at Rest Areas


Contact: Marisa Maez

Communications Director, Department of Transportation


April 10, 2020

SANTA FE – The Federal Highway Administration has authorized the New Mexico Department of Transportation to allow food vending, such as food trucks, at rest areas statewide during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The department recognizes some commercial truck drivers and travelers may appreciate the convenience of food service at rest areas, minimizing the need to stop in certain towns or communities which may have limited take out, delivery or dining options.  We continue to encourage commercial vehicles to also utilize available truck stops and other options for fuel and food purchases when it makes sense.

“The food trucks will provide an additional option for commercial drivers and other travelers especially in rural areas in between cities and towns.  Our goal is to provide as many options as possible for necessary travelers to stay safe and reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread,” said DOT Secretary Mike Sandoval.

The vendors must agree to certain conditions, including maintaining at least 6-feet from other individuals, avoiding person-to-person contact, directing employees to wash their hands frequently, and ensuring all surfaces where food is prepared and served are routinely disinfected.

For more information, please contact: Angelo Armijo at (505) 372-8757 or

To download the agreement click here.


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