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Overnight Camping at State Parks Suspended Through April 9, 2020

Contact: Christina Cordova
Public Relations Coordinator, State Parks Division
Susan Torres
Public Information Officer, EMNRD
March 12, 2020

Santa Fe – Due to the state’s ban on mass public gatherings in response to COVID-19, the
Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) is closing all New Mexico State
Parks to overnight camping effective Friday, March 13.
Scheduled events during this time have also been canceled or postponed in the interest of public
safety. All 35 State Parks will remain open for day use. The overnight camping ban will expire
April 9 unless extended.
Visitors with overnight camping reservations will be issued a full refund. For details on specific
parks events and additional information visit the State Parks website.
“Ensuring safety is one of the core tenants of the State Parks mission and EMNRD feels it is in
the best interest of the public to suspend overnight camping – when park visitors are closest to
one another in the campground – to minimize close contact between park visitors,” said EMNRD
Cabinet Secretary Sarah Cottrell Propst.
New Mexico Health Secretary Kathy Kunkel issued an order Thursday temporarily prohibiting
mass gatherings in New Mexico.
In addition to canceling all large public events and avoiding large public gatherings whenever
possible, New Mexico health officials continue to urge New Mexicans to:

Avoid all non-essential travel to affected out-of-state areas, and exercise extreme caution
with all out-of-state travel

• Remain home (“self-isolate”) if you are sick and call the Department of Health at 1-855-
600-3453 if you are exhibiting any of the symptoms of COVID-19
o Those symptoms include fever, cough or trouble breathing
• And continue taking precautionary steps to protect your individual health, such as:
o Washing your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
o Clean “high-touch” surfaces daily with regular household cleaners
o Avoid sharing personal household items
State Parks is committed to ensuring that facilities are clean and sanitary and will take extra
precautions to enhance their cleanliness.
The Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department provides resource protection and renewable energy resource
development services to the public and other state agencies.

C 2005-2018 KRTN Enchanted Air Radio