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Carnegie Public Library Announces a Monthly Free Legal Help Program Sponsored by Colorado Legal Services

We’re pleased to announce a new legal clinic, in addition to the monthly Free Legal Help program we’ve held for many months. The new clinic, sponsored by Colorado Legal Services, is also monthly, and will happen on selected Monday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30.

Please check our website calendar ( for future clinics. I will also send out emails and we will post notices at the library prior to each clinic.

The new clinic is for low-income applicants, as described below. If you, or anyone you know needs legal assistance and might qualify, please let them know about this clinic.

December’s clinic will be on Monday, December 16th, from 9:30 to 11:30AM, downstairs in the Library’s Tech Room. See me when you come in so I can get your name on the list.

There are some differences between the two monthly clinics:
The attorney, Erin Harris, from Colorado Legal Services, will be physically present at the clinic, whereas our Legal Help attorney uses a video chat to talk with clients.
The new clinic will use a walk-in format, so there is no need to sign up prior to the day of the clinic, whereas our Legal Help program requires prior signups. Because of this, we encourage you to come in early and get your name in the queue.
The new clinic will be for low-income applicants only, whereas the Legal Help program is open for all clients, regardless of income. Erin has provided a table of income levels based on household size so you can determine if you qualify. The threshold income is 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidline (FPG).

Both clinics are for discussing civil matters only—no criminal cases please.
We have scheduled future dates through April, 2020:

January 13th
February 24th
March 23rd
April 27th

If you have any questions, please call me at the library: 719-846-6841 —Tom Potter

Submission Credit: Tom Potter

Teen/Adult Services Specialist

Trinidad Carnegie Public Library


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