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In Loving Memory of Lesha Williamson

Lesha Williamson was born Lesha Louise Karp to Stan and Tina Karp (nee Fountain) on the 22nd of August 1952 near Derby in England.  Though she moved at the age of five with her family, which had grown to include a younger brother and sister, Andrew and Marisha (Mary), her memories of England remained with her throughout her life.  Christmas cake, brandy butter, Marmite, Bird’s Custard, real English chocolate, and especially hot tea with milk were treats that she always enjoyed.  The young Karp family left Britain, closing the clock repair shop Lesha remembered her dad running, and headed west to Vancouver, British Columbia.  This beautiful city would be home while her family grew still further to include sisters Ruthie, Pearl and Kema.

It was from these youthful years that memories of family, sparkling beaches, and rainy days were recounted to her own children years later. As a teenager, she came to know and trust Jesus as her Savior.  The Savior she met became a Rock to her, one to which she would anchor her hope for the rest of her life.

Lesha met Mel Williamson, of Trinidad, Colorado, while he was visiting Vancouver in the early 70’s. They married on January 25, 1974. It wasn’t long till the new couple were joined by Lesha’s three youngest sisters.  During these early years of marriage spent on Park Street, her own family grew as her firstborn son, Aaron, arrived in the summer of 1975.  With the arrival of two more sons, Ira – 1977 and Zeb in 1978, the young family had truly outgrown the little duplex. Ruthie returned to Canada while Pearl and Kema remained in Colorado. Their sister Mary later joined them in Colorado.

Lesha’s young family moved into a new house on North Avenue which Lesha would call home until her final relocation to her eternal home in heaven.  While the family was living on North Avenue Lesha’s last boy, Jedidiah, was born in 1982.  She raised her family constantly expressing and demonstrating true love and tender care.  As the family grew, she returned to her own education, obtaining her GED and then graduating from Trinidad State Junior College.  She started working for First National Bank Trinidad in 1997 and remained employed there until her recent passing.

Lesha loved God and His Son Jesus Christ.  The highlight of her week was worship on Sunday morning.  God blessed her with the voice of an angel and she used that blessing to His glory.  Visitors to services at her local Church of God on Kansas Avenue were often welcomed by her.  She loved meeting new people and old friends – all were made to feel welcome and loved just as quickly.  She attended regularly and was an integral part of Sunday school, the Thursday night kid’s club, middle school, and teen groups, where she a was a favorite of the kids.

She had an ever-curious mind and was fascinated with learning new things. Lesha loved twinkling stars, full moons, the blue sky, cloudy days and glitter.  Above all of God’s creation, she loved her family, especially her grandchildren.  Nonni will be dearly missed by 12 of them. One, Lydia, having preceded her into the presence of Jesus Christ.

This long obituary is a short summary of a life well lived. A life with ups, downs, and many wonderful blessings.  A life that is presented here as a reminder to all that we need Jesus.  It was faith in Him that made a new creation in Lesha – the wonderful woman that we are glad to say we knew and loved.

Predeceased by her brother Andrew, sister Ruthie and granddaughter Lydia, Lesha is survived by her mother, Tina Fountain, three sisters: Mary, Pearl and Kema; her husband Mel, four sons and their families:   Aaron & Nikkie and son Gabriel; Ira & Jess and children Jacob, Caleb, Zachary, Levi, and Martha;  Zeb & Emily and children Esther, Finn, Ezekiel, and Reef;  Jed & Chelsea and children Maggie, Judah: their eldest Lydia Mae passed away in 2018.

C 2005-2018 KRTN Enchanted Air Radio