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**RHS Krivokapich Media Center**
1535 Tiger Circle, Raton, New Mexico
Monday, October 21, 2019
6:00 p.m.


I. Call to Order and Roll Call

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Recognition of Students, Staff and Visitors
a. RHS Students of the Month – Ms. Neurauter and Mr. Ernie Brown, Elks Club
b. Student Senate Representative Jennifer Acosta
c. Requests to be recognized (Persons requesting to be recognized must complete
form before meeting begins – 5 minute limit).

IV. Approval of Agenda

V. Approval of Minutes – 9/16/19 – Regular Meeting

VI. Information Items
a. Principal Reports
b. Superintendent Report
c. Board Member Reports
d. Strategic Plan

VII. Action Items
a. Financial Report
b. Budget Adjustments/Transfers
c. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #166 – Emergencies (second read)
d. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #167 – Staff Conduct (second read)
e. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #168 – Professional Staff Contracts and
Compensation (second read)
f. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #169 – Sabbatical Leave (second read)
g. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #170 – Professional Staff Hiring (second read)
h. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #171 – Support Staff Hiring (second read)
i. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #172 – Professional Staff Certification and
Credentialing Requirements (second read)
j. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #173 – Support Staff Certification and Credentialing
Requirements (second read)
k. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #174 – Professional Staff Duties and Responsibilities
(second read)
l. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #175 – Evaluation of Professional Staff Members (second read)
m. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #176 – Professional Staff Termination of
Employment (second read)
n. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #177 – Resignation of Professional Staff
Members (second read)
o. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #178 – Professional Staff Positions (second read)
p. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #179 – Discipline, Suspension and Termination of
Support Staff Members (second read)
q. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #180 – Support Staff Contracts and Compensation
(second read)
r. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #181 – Discipline, Suspension and Termination
of Support Staff Members (second read)
s. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #182 – School Volunteers (second read)
t. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #183 – Graduation Requirements (second read)
u. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #184 – Administering Medicines to Students
(second read)
v. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #185 – Programs for Pregnant/Parenting Students
(second read)
w. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #186 – Make up Opportunities (second read)
x. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #187 – Student Attendance (second read)
y. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #188 – Compulsory Attendance Ages (second read)
z. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #189 – Entrance Age Requirements (second read)
aa. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #190 – Admission of Resident Students
(second read)
bb. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #191 – Tuition/Admission of Nonresident Students
(second read)
cc. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #192 – Student Withdrawal from School/Dropouts
(second read)
dd. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #193 – Student Absences and Excuses (second read)
ee. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #194 – Truancy/Chronic Absence (second read)
ff. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #195 – Released time for Religious Instruction
(second read)
gg. Approval of NMSBA Advisory #196 – Extracurricular Activity Eligibility (second
hh . Approval of NMSBA Advisory #197 – Relations with State Education Agencies
(second read)
ii. Approval of closing the clearing account @ IN Bank.
jj. Consideration of Proposal for parking lot improvements by Crespin Paving, CES

IX. Executive Session – Pursuant to the State “Open Meetings Act” Section 10-15-1 (H) for
Discussion of limited personnel matters. No action will be taken in executive session.

X. Adjournment

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