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Raton One of Three Communities Chosen to Participate in University of New Mexico’s Family Development Pilot Program

Family Engagement/Family Leadership Pilot Opportunity Building Collaborative Leadership Capacity

Facilitated by UNM’s Family Development Program
As Contracted by New Mexico Children, Youth and Families
Department (CYFD) in Support of New Mexico TQRIS FOCUS

The Family Development Program is creating a Family Engagement/Family Leadership approach as an Early Childhood Framework for guiding the full participation of families as essential partners in New Mexico’s early learning system. We are inviting early childhood partners from 3 communities (Raton, Valencia County, Gadsden) to participate in a pilot learning opportunity with us over this coming year. The pilot will investigate a process for strengthening family engagement that leads to family leadership, based on national best practices and on the Family Development Program’s Guiding Principles for authentic partnership with families.

Empowering Families: A Co-Learning Approach

how my
child learns
and grows
Support my
child as a
with my
Advocate for
my child’s
learning and
in planning
that serve
my child

Overall Pilot Process Design: 6 sessions for Community Partners – 4 sessions for Families

Family Learning Series (#1-4):

#1: Seeing Your Child as a Strong, Competent and Powerful Learner

• Key Concept #1: Overview of Pilot: You know your child the best
• Key Concept #2: Relationship Building/How we learn
• Key Concept #3: Reflection & Discussion of how to promote Self-Directed Engaged Learning in
your child

#2: Supporting Your Child’s Learning

• Key Concept #1: Why Self-Control is important & how to support it in everyday moments
• Key Concept #2: Why Perspective-Taking is important & how to support it in everyday moments
• Key Concept #3: Strengths & Challenges to supporting your child’s learning

#3: Partnering with Your Child’s Program in Support of Great Learning

• Key Concept #1: Why Communicating is important & how to support it in everyday moments
• Key Concept #2: Why Making Connections is important & how to support it in everyday
• Key Concept #3: How to use these skills to partner with your child’s program

#4: Advocating for Your Child – Participating as a Leader with Your Child’s Program

• Key Concept #1: Why Problem-Solving is important & how to support it in everyday moments
• Key Concept #2: Why Taking on Challenges is important & how to support it in everyday
• Key Concept #3: How to use all 7 skills to advocate for your child

Learning Series: The Learning Series will intentionally adapt Mind in the Making and other essential child development resources to explore how children learn and grow, and how families can support this powerful process of learning. The Family Learning Series will integrate the following topics (based on the Seven Essential Life Skills) as well as selected resources from the Family Development Program’s Collaborative Leadership Tool Kit
 Nurturing Self-Control for Your Child and
 Raising a Caring Child
 Building Relationships through Good
 Watching Your Child Make Sense of The World
 Recognizing Your Child Is Creative and a
Problem Solver
 Guiding Your Child to Take On Challenges
 Seeing Your Child as a Powerful Learner

Thank you to The Center For Sustainable Community & Growing Great Kids of Raton.  You may find more information about their efforts and programs for our community at  For more information on UNM’s Family Development Program please visit

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