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A Conversation with Andy Ortiz

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media

KRTN sat down with Raton Public Schools Superintendent Andy Ortiz for a conversation about the Raton Schools.

The conversation began with the budget and after a rough year that included some layoffs for the school district things are looking up as the school system was able to save money in a few places and is now in the black with the budget. Ortiz noted that the district requested only a small amount of emergency funding to meet the 3% carry over the school is required to keep.  The district has their funding set for this year after the 80th and 120th day student counts in 2017 and will see what the 2018-2019 school year will bring in student enrollment.

Its summer time and the maintenance staff will begin work on the school buildings by moving furniture out and cleaning the carpet and floors with emphasis on the gym floor at Raton Intermediate school. The maintenance staff is short handed this summer with one retirement and one custodian leaving for other things.

Other staff issues include the retirement of a few teachers whose positions have already been filled. Ortiz noted that all the positions will be filled this year. There is no need to leave any jobs unfilled or lost through attrition.

Ortiz noted that he will be looking for funding either through grants or other means to help replace the track at Tiger Stadium and possibly work with the high school art teacher or a former student to repaint the sign on the southeast corner of the stadium. The schools are showing their age as well as many of the things inside the buildings such as scoreboards and lighting. Replacing those items will also require creative funding, perhaps even looking for sponsors to help with the funding.

The school is in good shape with technology with student using iPads and Chrome books and white boards in many classrooms. Ortiz noted that servers will be the first to be replaced and that the mill leavy technology tax has helped significantly in keeping up with technology. The district will continue to keep working to stay up with the technology but with changes coming as fast as they do that is not easy.

Ortiz wants to begin the process to create a strategic plan for the school and he wants to involve everyone in that process. He noted that he wants parent to be involved especially at the higher grades. He noted that the the elementary school principals are working very well with parents and the organization of the PAC is showing signs of working to improve things as they are raising money for projects.

Ortiz is hoping the parents of the younger students will continue to support the students as they grow and progress though the school system. He also wants to see more student participation in sports activities as well as the other student organizations.

Ortiz is looking forward to new year and what it brings with new students. He is hoping to keep the enthusiasm going that he sees the first day of school as students return ready to learn.




One Comment

  1. Sharon Gatti-Carson Sharon Gatti-Carson June 10, 2018

    Congratulations on your first year! Raton is very fortunate to have a “home grown” superintendent. We have a high quality staff that are working hard! I am a proud Ratonian! Keep up the great work!

    Sharon Gatti-Carson

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