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Solano Photo Show Results

Bob Wick (pictured 2nd from left) was awarded “Best of Show” for his photo titled Malpais in the Annual Ralph R. Solano Memorial Show and Sale.  Hosted by the Raton Arts Council, Wick was given the award at the reception April 13, 2018 at the Old Pass Gallery.

In Category 1 – Taggin’ the Tracks, Raton’s Kenny Cruz took a clean sweep of 1-2-3 with works entitled Fear Fetish, Roundhouse Walls and Stinky Tunnel.

Category III – Digital Realism.  Anna Hoagland awarded first for Morning Light; Erika Ferri second for Blossom; and Michelle Goodall’s Fisher’s Peak was awarded the white ribbon.

Category IV – Digital Altered or Enhanced. Michelle Goodall, Vacation; Bob Wick El Morro; and Bob Wick, Norah earned the top three spots in the category.

The exhibit will hang in the Old Pass Gallery, on Historic First Street, through April 28th.

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