By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Has magistrate court began the process to move to the Colfax County Judicial Center in South Raton? Nope they haven’t is the answer according to Colfax County Manager Mary Lou Kern.
The process was moving along when Eighth Judicial District Chief Judge Jeff McElroy expressed some concerns over space and requested that an architect be allowed to take a look at the space and create a plan. Kern talked to the Office of Courts and an agreement was made that the Office of Courts would have an architect take a look at the space issues and present a plan. The Office of the Courts will pay for the architectural study and the county will pay for the construction that is required to meet the space requirements.
Kern noted that they are waiting on the Judge to give the go ahead and that while the timeline for moving has been slowed Kern felt that it would get done. The State of New Mexico is currently paying $60,000 lease on the building they are currently in which is going to an individual who lives elsewhere in the state. The Office of Courts will pay Colfax County based the on square footage that Magistrate Court will occupy. The exact amount is yet to be determined since the square footage hasn’t been established yet.
Magistrate Judge Warren Walton is ready to make the move since it will help with prisoner transport and also provide that court with security that they do not have in the current location on Savage Avenue.