By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
The 2016 Gate City Music Festival turned Raton’s historic First Street into center stage Saturday and Sunday with music from solo acts to bands and along with food vendors and others for a fun couple of days in Raton.
The music got under way Saturday morning with the Gary Paul from Santa Fe with his folksy music followed up by the Dewey Paul band. The Ben Marshall Band finished out the afternoon while Raton’s very own Colfax Reunion culminated the days events with a street dance. The bands and solo acts used the newly completed covered shelters at the Multi-Modal center as a backdrop for the their shows. Spectators could also enjoy some micro-brewed beers and wine from the Red Door Brewery from Albuquerque and the Enchanted Circle Brewery in Angel Fire.
On Sunday the music continued with Kylie Rae Harris and the Gary West Band who specialized in Johnny Cash music. All of these groups were supported by Josh Martinez as DJ and sound man for both days.
Up and down First Street food vendors and others could be found with a mechanical bull ride and Nascar simulator keeping the kids busy while a bouncy house and water globes kept many of the younger kids entertained throughout the day.
Those working the event noticed many new faces in town indicating the event could probably attracted a good turnout from outside of Raton.