Cecilia (Hernandez) Abdalla passed away peacefully on March 23, 2025, at the
age of 61 years old.
She was born on June 1, 1963, to Joe and Lucy (Gonzales) Hernandez in Trinidad,
CO. She graduated from Trinidad High School and was a homemaker most of her
life. She put what she loved the most on hold for her kids. At the end of the day,
she always called her kids and grandkids, even if she didn’t feel good that day, but
she wanted them to make sure they were ok. She was a loving mother to her
children and grandchildren. She loved listening to music, talking to her
grandchildren, her nieces and nephews, and her brothers and sisters also eating
good food and most of all loved God.
Cecilia is preceded in death by her parents and her siblings, Jody, Johnny, and Joe
and Tony Hernandez.
Cecilia is survived by her husband, Farah Abdalla, her sons Manar and Ammar
Abdalla and Daughter Yasmeen Abdalla, Daughter-in-Law Brandy Abdalla
grandchildren Braden, Caius, Kian, Liam, and Phaye Abdalla, and her brothers and
sisters, Roger, Julian, Leroy, Pat, Kathy, Stella, and Joanne.
A celebration of life will be held in her honor on Monday, March 31, 2025, at the
Comi Funeral Home Chapel (1804 E. Main Street, Trinidad, CO 81082), beginning
with a visitation at 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, followed by a burial service at Carpio
The family has asked that EVERYONE be dressed casually as she would want us all
to celebrate her life simply and with so much love.

In Loving Memory of Cecilia (Hernandez) Abdalla
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