Raton City Commissioners had a lot of information to digest and a lot of discussion on topics when it met for a regular meeting on Tuesday, January 28 at Raton City Hall.
The meeting began with Items from Citizens Present and a lengthy discussion on aggressive animals, animals at large, city regulations and enforcement, and whose responsibility is what. Mayor Pro-Tem Lori Chatterly said that communication and enforcement will be addressed in a planning meeting that would be forthcoming on animal control issues and enforcement.
In a related matter, the State of NM appropriated $180,000 last year for the construction of a new animal shelter, and a new shelter remains the number two legislative priority for the City in this year’s capital outlay requests from the legislature. The Commission had on the agenda approval for design and consulting service with Alpha Designs of Raton. Before the proposal was put up for a vote, Raton Humane Society President Barbara Bonahoom addressed the commission with concerns that if the Commission proceeded with the new shelter, the Humane Society would be pushed out of the picture and the lease would be broken. Bonahoom expressed frustration that the shelter which was constructed with private funds and grants obtained down through the years and run by the Humane Society staff, and was very concerned that the City had not included them in the discussion of a new shelter. The Commission seemed surprised by the comments and assured Bonahoom and the Humane Society that nothing has been definitely planned, but the proposal for Alpha Design would get the process started and the Humane Society would definitely be included in the process. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the proposal for $79,028 with Mayor Neil Segotta absent.
There was also a lengthy discussion on the agreement proposed between the City and the Children Youth and Families Department (CYFD) for a $59,400 for a Learning Lab. The concern was that there was a short window of implementation for the lab (funding through 6/30/25) and possible staff shortage. The Commission wanted more information on the program and voted to postpone until the next meeting.
Postponment also was the action taken on the City’s Credit Card Policy and on a proposal by BW Consulting to help update the City’s Zoning ordinances.
Raton Fire and Emergency request for fire protection funds were also approved for $143,862 for the purchase of 25 radios and $43,303 for a 22kW generator for Eagle Tail Mountain Communications site for emergency power backup.
Colfax County Fire District 8 and Moreno Valley Fire Dept will be the recipients of surplus property from the City as each will receive 8 Scott Air Packs and 16 Scott Air Cylinders as Raton Fire and Emergency has recently received a new inventory of air packs and bottles.
The City is nearing completion of an upgrade, update and automating of the Cimarron water pump stations. The system was first built in 1983, and the upgrade project is 95% complete but has experienced challenges and delays with final testing including radio communication with the various pump station sites. Because of the delays, the City has requested an extension with the NM Finance Authority for the time to expend the program funds till 12/31/25. Raton Water Works General Manager Lloyd Wakefield said the system has been drawing water from Cimarron for the last week and hoped all systems would be fully functioning within six months.
City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci’s FY25 2nd quarter financial report showed the Gross Receipts Taxes (GRT) collected thru December as 3.25% above what the projections were. The Gas Tax of $16,691 was improved over last year as was the Lodgers Tax improving.
The next meeting is slated for February 11, 2025 and will be broadcast on KRTN AM1490 and streamed on KRTN’s Facebook.