RE: Trinidad Ambulance District Plan Proposal
To: Las Animas County Commissioners
As an EMS provider who has worked with an agency that is hospital based and has the same issues addressed here by the hospital, the comments here today are very upsetting because only one side is being told. TAD is being publicly ridiculed for trying to add a service that will enhance the services to the community. That $1 million they get in tax revenue doesn’t begin to touch the costs of running an ambulance service to provide the coverage wanted and insurance pays less than 50% of what’s billed. It would be in the commissioner’s best interest to review the actual why’s on denials of transfers. There is paperwork on both sides to show the processes and how decisions were made. I strongly urge you to do more review on facts regarding IFT’s as a whole, not just the small amount of testimony you have heard there today. This is a nationwide problem that needs everyone to work together for solutions, safe solutions for all involved.
There are guidelines set forth that EMS directors should follow to provide the best care for the person needing transferred including safety, safety of their crew (including provider fatigue) and YES weather conditions come into play as well. If it isn’t safe for a flight, it may very well not be safe for a high-profile ambulance to be driving along I-25 through the wind tunnels. I can guarantee you as soon as you force them to take every IFT, there is going to be a critical 911 need and when they can’t respond, MSFH will be the first to point fingers at TAD because they couldn’t cover that too. IFT’s have become a whole entity in themselves. NOBODY on that TAD staff wants to deny helping someone if they need it and TAD is capable; they are some of the best.
I too, am part of an agency in Las Animas County, in Kim, CO and this community paramedicine/integrated health is not to replace doctors or hospitals, its to provide an arm extension of the physicians and hospitals so those who won’t normally seek medical advice because of costs or lack of transportation or whatever will hopefully get the help sooner than later and not have their need to go to another higher-level facility be an emergency. It will help focus on prevention, screening, etc. and help become proactive instead of reactive for our patients.
One last thing, an EMT-Paramedic has a LOT more medical training than a CNA; they cannot do what paramedics can do. There was a lot of misinformation stated today, such a shame.
Nikki Shannon, Director
Kim Area Volunteer Fire Dept and Ambulance Service