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Raton School Board Approves Design Firm and Approves Audit

By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media

The Raton School Board met on a frosty Martin Luther King Day to discuss the audit and housekeeping duties before discussing the RFP for hiring a design professional for the design of the new PreK-12 campus.

Attendance for both lower-level schools is holding fairly stable around 240 students for each school. Margaret Ann Mattorano, Student Senate sponsor, spoke about the display cabinets in the lobby of the gym. Student Senate did an inventory of trophies finding almost 1000 trophies and plaques in and around the school, it was suggested that the more current trophies be placed in the display trophy cases. The school has trophies back to 1936 and the students would like to see more current trophies displayed. Discussion about what to do with the old trophies began and ended with the thoughts of coming up with a plan.

During Principal reports Justin Mattorano noted that while some test scores at Raton Intermediate School some test scores have not improved as much as they had hoped while Math has seen some improvement. Superintendent Kristi Medina noted that testing will begin in February and keep the staff and students busy until April.

Byron Manning and Chris Manning from Manning Accounting and Consulting Services, LLC presented the annual audit for the school reporting that the district received an unmodified opinion which Byron noted was the best the district can receive. Maestas reported that some of the changes included pensions and that created a deficit for the district on paper. Operational fund revenues exceeded expenditures and with other line items the district came out about even for the year.

Board members approved the open meetings act noting that the board will continue to meet on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. The February meeting will be moved to Monday February 10, 2025, due to Presidents Day falling on the third Monday.

The selection committee met earlier this month and after seeing proposals from three other firms the committee selected FBT Architects for the design of the new campus pending approval by PSFA. Board members agreed and approved FBT to design the new PreK–12 campus in Raton.

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