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Raton High School Senior 2025 Spotlight: Brooklyn Pearl Ulibarri-Marquez

Raton High School Senior 2025 Spotlight


Brooklyn Pearl Ulibarri-Marquez, daughter of Bo Marquez

What do you think you want to be when you grow up?

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist

What is your favorite color?


What is your favorite meal and who cooks it for you?

My grandma’s rolled enchiladas or Steak by my dad

What is your favorite song and why?

Congratulations by Mac Miller because it’s lyrics and it’s beautiful

What are your Hobbies?

Playing softball with my travel team EPIC and sleeping with my dog Boo

What do you like best about RHS?

My friends and open campus

What are you most proud of accomplishing in high school?

MVP in the Dexter tournament my junior year and getting all district as an outfielder

What did you learn in high school that you didn’t expect to learn?

How to type a professional email and how to word it right

What do you think you will be doing in 10 years?

Playing softball and being an Olympic softball player for Team USA

Do you have any advice for younger students?

The people who say “you can’t or you won’t” are usually the ones scared that you will.

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