By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening January 14, 2025, for their first regular meeting of 2025 where they took care of the regulatory items that are necessary for the first meeting of the new year.
Commissioners heard the details about an application to New Mexico Mainstreet for funding from the Mainstreet Capital Outlay program. The city has negotiated ownership of the Railroad Depot and is proposing renovations and restoration for the facility. The estimate for the work is estimated to be about $2,000,000 by Wayne Lloyd and Associates. The current available money is $999,999.00.00. The city will pledge 20% of grant funding up to $250,000 in local matching funds. Commissioners approved the request.
The city has requested funding for a project at Romero Park from the NM Department of Finance and Administration. The agreement is for $500,000 to create a vibrant multi0generational community space at Romero Park. The city is looking to improve the playground equipment, picnic tables, shade structure and other amenities.
Commissioners heard the recommendation of award for specialized services related to the Brownfield Program. The Brownfield program is designed to help communities deal with dilapidated buildings that need removal for safety reasons. Ayers Associates, Inc. were selected from the RFP. The services will be funded with a $500,000 EPA grant awarded to the city for property assessment and planning.
Commissioners approved the cover out of state travel for Mayor Pro-Tem Lori Chatterley when she travels to Washington DC for the Ports-To-Plains meetings on March 23-27, 2025. The Ports-to-Plains group will meet with representatives and senators to communicate our interest in funding the I-27 project.
An addendum to the Raton Country Club Liquor License agreement was presented to commissioners. The Addendum will extend the agreement to January 26, 2026. This is the second extension within this agreement. The agreement was approved contingent on the verification of the country club’s insurance.
Commissioners approved changes to Resolution 2024-68 to 2024-68.1 due to the resolution number being used twice.
Commissioners discussed and acted on a quote from Mosark, LLC for the Arthur Johnson Memorial Library heating system replacement utilizing the state price agreement for the purchase. The cost of the unexpected expense is $303,123.24. The city plans on using building funds in the amount of $ 175,000 with the remainder $128,123.24 to come from general fund reserves.
Commissioners heard from City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci about the November 2024 financial report. The report included some good news in that the GRT continues to run above normal this month at 3.82%. The gas tax received was over $20,000 for the month.
Commissioners also heard about Budget Adjustment #6 for FY25 where most of the adjustments are line-item changes including moving funds for the Romero Park Project, Police Retention Payments, and adding a line item for the new gas hookup at the Fire Training facility.
It’s that time of year again and many of the city staff will be in Santa Fe working state legislators. Both the Police and Fire departments are recruiting City Manager Mestas asked if you know anyone interested to pass the opportunity along. There will be a pre-bid meeting for the Kearney School this week. Synthia Molina is working to bring college interns to work on city projects. Mestas also put a shout out to Jason Phillips who was the city lead for the governors visit on Monday.
The next City Commission meeting will be on January 28, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. in the commission chambers at city hall.