The Raton City Commission met in regular session on December 10, 2024 and unanimously approved the transfer of the 2,224 acre Bartlett Mesa Ranch to the NM Dept. of Game and Fish which will expand the area of Sugarite Canyon State Park. The plan has been in the works for quite a while and with the transfer, the ultimate goal of supporting outdoor recreation economy while improving the outdoor opportunities is a step closer, but still is expected to be a lengthy process.
Before the Commission vote on the Bartlett Mesa resolution, neighboring property owner Rose Marchetti Lew addressed the commission asking for more open channels of communication and some answers to what is actually going to be done with the property. Assistant City Manager Jason Phillips, commented the the City will have a seat at the table for future use, but maybe not a vote in what ultimately happens with the property, but said the NM Dept of Game and Fish would have public meetings on the direction of the property and past performance has shown a light footprint in development of other lands with emphasis on wildlife.
The Commission also approved another big ticket item by adopting a resolution for a $1.2 million filter plant rehabilitation project with the execution of a loan/grant agreement with the NM Finance Authority.
Another project that has been on the Commission’s plate for a while is the Raton Rail Station Project. The original estimate of the project according to architect Loyd and Associates, was $1.5 million, but because of the “pause in our process following the last MainStreet grant and challenges involved with bidding the project in multiple phases, they are now estimating the total cost for the project at $2.2 million.” Because of the increases, the Santa Fe-based architect asked for, and received an additional $39,000 from the City.
Another project the City has been working on for a while is the Kearny School Film Project. One hurdle that will be cleared is asbestos abatement. Advanced Environmental Solutions of Belen, submitted a bid of $70,404 which was approved by the Commission.
A project that won’t take up any more Commission time is the “stinky tunnel” project. The 1948 underground tunnel connecting East and West Raton under the railroad tracks was the recipient of a $65,748 grant from NM Economic Development Outdoor Recreation Trails and it was hoped it could be cleaned up and renovated for use again, but the City has determined it is unfeasable because of engineering/drainage challenges and safety concerns. The City will pivot the funds now to the development of Climax Canyon/Old Raton Pass Trail Complex.
The Raton Ballfield Complex is getting added attention from the Commission as it approved a $181,000 project from Lone Mountain Contracting for Ragsdale Field that will install a new Backstop and will add 2 synthetic turf Bullpens. Another proposal from Creative Recreational Designs was postponed at the request of Assistant City Manager Jason Phillips.
In other Commission happenings, they declared an ambulance as surplus property and authorized the sale of it to Vermejo Park Ranch. The ranch has EMT’s on staff, but no ambulance, and is currently served by Raton Fire Rescue which takes anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes to respond, so this would greatly reduce the response time in the event of an emergency.
City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci presented the Commission with the October 2024 Financial Report and it was a mixed bag of numbers. Total year-to-date GRT is down 1.44% compared to last year, but it is still over 3% above budget projections. Antonucci said the Lodgers Tax collection was good, due in part to the Dawson Reunion, but that the Gas Tax collection was the lowest she could remember and they may have to transfer funds next year for some of the construction projects that are planned. She also said that the first reimbursement request for the Kearny School grant was submitted for $200,000.
It was also announced that Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham has rescheduled her Town Hall on Public Safety for Monday, January 13 at the Shuler Theater.
The next regular City Commission meeting will be held on January 14, 2025.