By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
The Raton City Commission met in regular session on Tuesday November 12, 2024 and unanimously passed Ordinance 1028 which will de-annex a total of 367.7 acres located in the vicinity of I-25 and the 450 exit for the purpose of pursuing a possible gaming casino partnership with Picuris Pueblo.
According to the gaming compact between the State of New Mexico and the Indian Tribes and Pueblos, it stipulates that any land held in trust by the United States for the exclusive benefit of the tribe cannot be located within the city limits of any municipality. By de-annexation of the 376.7 acres of contiguous property, this would allow the alignment of the 132.6 acres outside the municipal boundary which would be part of the government-to-government transfer, between the City and the Picuris Pueblo. The remaining 244.2 acres will remain as city property.
Prior to the passage of the ordinance, the Commission held a public hearing on the matter to which no one addressed the commission.
Commissioners also acted on Resolution 2024-68 which declares a State of Emergency for snow and inclement weather that affected the city over the past weekend and left piles of snow in the streets of Raton. The Governor’s office has unlocked $1.5 million in state funding to support coordinated response efforts including emergency management, road clearing and public safety operations. Commissioners approved the resolution which will allow the city to seek some of that funding when it becomes available.
Commissioners approved the event form for the Festival of Lights on historic First Street on November 29thfrom 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The city Christmas tree will be lit at 5:00 p.m. They also approved the celebration permit for Colfax Ale Cellars at the Shuler Theater for the Michael Martin Murphey Cowboy Christmas on December 6, 2024.
Commissioners approved the purchase of five sets of bunker gear and five sets of Fir-Dex Dual Cert Gear for the Raton Fire Department. The funding will come from the Fire Protection Fund as well as the Sourcewell Contract #010424. The cost of the equipment comes to $29,565.00.
Commissioners heard about the agreement between the City of Raton and the New Mexico State Library for a FY2025 State Grant in Aid. The grant agreement for FY25 is for $10,287.08. The grant agreement is intended to supplement and encourage local effort in providing library services.
Commissioners approve the certification of the city’s capital assets inventory which comes back to the commission after being postponed at the October 22 meeting. All assets have been updated for this year.
In the city manager’s report City Manager Rick Mestas recognized the efforts of the public works department employees for the work they did during the snow event keeping the city streets passable. Mestas noted this was a team effort including the parks department, buildings department and solid waste. He noted the crews worked in shifts and even helped with snow removal at the football field in order to keep the state playoff game in town.
In other items, before the meeting began, the Commission witnessed the formal promotion of Lt. Jacob Butt to the rank of Captain within the Raton Fire Department and in other personnel news it was reported that City Police Officer Sean Jou has graduated from the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy.
Mestas also reported that City Engineer Jaden Welch has gone over the architectural plans for the Kearny film school and the city is hoping to have the plans stamped with approval soon.
The Arthur Johnson Memorial Library painting project is now complete, and the city is looking to see what other projects can be completed before winter weather.
The next regular city commission meeting will be at 6:00 p.m. November 26, 2024 at Raton City Hall.