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FAA Grants total $33.4 Million for Airport Upgrades in NM Including Raton and Angel Fire

WASHINGTON —A total of $33,494,691 from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been awarded for upgrades at airports across New Mexico.  This federal funding includes grants from the Infrastructure Law including $15.7 million to fully fund a new 21,000-square-foot terminal at the Clovis Regional Airport (CVN) and nearly $2.5 million for a project to reconstruct a taxiway at Raton Municipal Airport (RTN), and over $700,000 for navigational aids including wind cone, lighting and beacon at Angel Fire Airport.

The airport improvement projects being funded by this round of FAA investment can be found below:

Airport Amount Awarded Project Description
Crownpoint Airport $193,301 This project updates the existing airport layout plan with master plan narrative.
Albuquerque International Sunport $3,732,834 This project reconstructs the existing lighting on Runway 3/21 that has reached the end of its useful life.
Albuquerque International Sunport $390,778 This project acquires and installs low-emission equipment including 2 electric skid loaders and a charger.
Zuni/Andrew Othole Memorial Airport $1,000,000 This project funds removing the hill located approximately 500 feet to the east of Runway 6/24 identified as an obstruction to improve safety.
Albuquerque/Double Eagle II Airport $438,000 This project constructs new edge drains along Taxiway B to provide adequate drainage to bring the airport into conformity with current standards.
Angel Fire Airport $761,444 This project:

  1. Acquires and installs new wind cone navigational aids to provide pilots with critical airfield information.
  2. Reconstructs the existing lighting on Runway 17/35 that has reached the end of its useful life.
  3. Replaces 1 existing airport rotating beacon that has reached the end of its useful life
Clovis Regional Airport $15,700,000 This project constructs a new 21,000 square foot terminal to accommodate more passengers and accommodate more aircraft operations. This grant is associated with an Infrastructure Law Airport Grant that funds the remaining eligible portion of the project.
Lea County/Zip Franklin Memorial Airport $936,163 This project reconstructs the existing lighting on Runway 12/30 that has reached the end of its useful life.
Lea County/Jal Airport $757,639 This project reconstructs the existing lighting on Runway 1/19 that has reached the end of its useful life.
Lea County Regional Airport $625,543 This project expands the existing terminal by 2,000 square feet to facilitate the movement of passengers and baggage to bring the airport into conformity with current standards. Additionally, this grant funds construction of sanitary sewer system.
Vaughn Municipal Airport $331,968 This project:

  1. Reseals 34,944 square yards of the existing Apron pavement at a non primary airport to extend its useful life.
  2. Reseals 1,635 feet of the existing Taxiway A pavement at a non primary airport to extend its useful life.
  3. Reseals 5,150 feet of existing Runway 9/27 pavement at a non primary airport to extend its useful life.
Raton Municipal Airport/Crews Field $56,233 This project constructs a new lighting vault building with equipment to meet airfield lighting needs and to bring the airport into conformity with current standards. This grant is associated with an Infrastructure Law Airport grant that funds the remaining eligible portion of the project.
Raton Municipal Airport/Crews Field $2,489,191 This project reconstructs 4,000 feet of the existing paved Taxiway B pavement that has reached the end of its useful life.
Santa Fe Regional Airport $6,089,700 This project:

  1. Installs new Runway 15/33 markings to bring the airport into conformity with current standards.
  2. Reconstructs 21,000 square yards of the existing terminal Apron pavement that has reached the end of its useful life.
  3. Reconstructs 760 feet of existing perimeter fencing not required by 49 CFR 1542 that has reached the end of its useful life.
  4. Extends Runway 33 safety area to 500 feet to enhance safety.


“When we invest in New Mexico’s airports, we invest in the people who rely on these facilities to do business in our state, create jobs, and contribute to our economy,” said Senator Martin Heinrich, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee.

“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is delivering millions of dollars and creating jobs across New Mexico. With more than $33 million coming to New Mexico to improve our airports, this funding will help connect communities, drive tourism and travel, and boost local economies,” said Senator Ben Ray Luján, a member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee.  “I am glad to welcome this funding, and I will continue working to secure investments for our communities.”

When we invest in critical infrastructure, we’re investing in the future of New Mexico. These airport upgrades across my entire district will create jobs, support local businesses, and better connect our communities,” said  Representative Teresa Leger Fernández.

Representative Melanie Stansbury said, “Airports bring trade, economic opportunities to the state, and families and friends together. We must keep investing in infrastructure so opportunities remain open for New Mexicans.”

“By modernizing our infrastructure, we’re helping create jobs and ensuring local economies thrive,” said Representative Gabe Vasquez. “Rural New Mexicans deserve modern infrastructure that allows businesses to compete in today’s economy. I was proud to have helped pass the FAA Reauthorization Act earlier this year that included my bipartisan provision to bring commercial air service back to underserved, rural communities in New Mexico.”

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