By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Monday evening August 12, 2024, for their first meeting of the month, yes Monday as the New Mexico Municipal League Annual conference is in Clovis this week and required the change in dates so commissioner who are going could attend the conference.
Commissioners discussed the proposed dates and times for a planning session. The session is to align the goals and priorities of the elected officials with strategic planning of the city administration. September 3rd at 3:00 p.m. is the date and time agreed upon.
There are three special events coming up with the First Baptist Church block party on August 21 that will require the closure of Rio Grande Street by the church. The second is the Gate City Music Festival scheduled for August 31-September 1 which requires the closure of First Street. The third event is the Oasis USA Awareness Ride scheduled for September 6th. The motorcycle event will begin in Raton at the Visitors Center with stops in Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver then on to Cheyane Wyoming where the event will end. This motorcycle event is to shine a light on human trafficking. All three event requests were approved.
Commissioners then approved the celebration permits for Colfax Ale Cellars and Left Turn Distilling for the Gate City Music Festival. Both permit requests were approved.
The Fire Department has applied for a recruitment grant to recruit more firefighter EMTs. The Grant will cover three years and provide the department with an additional $393,750 from DFA. 100% of the funds will be distributed by the city in the first year, 50% the second year and 25% for the third year. Any funds not used in each of the years will be returned to the state.
The commissioners heard from City Manager Rick Mestas on the dispatch agreement with Colfax County. The agreement covers dispatch services for the sheriff’s department and county volunteer fire departments. The total amount is $75,000 to be paid monthly ($6250.00).
Commissioners reviewed the information on a quote to storm drainage work and a dangerous premises located at 220 South 1st Street. Three bids were received for the work that will consist of gutters and piping to move water to the alley. The three bidders included Archuleta Construction with a bid of $10,203.54 including GRT, Desert Vaughn LLC with a bid of $10,176.28 including GRT, and the lowest bid was Gonzalez Contractors LLC with a bid of $9743.25 including GRT. The drainage from this building is also draining into the Coors Building basement. The current property owners are unable to pay for this work therefore once the work is accomplished a lien will be placed on the building and the current owners will have several ways to pay for this over time. Commissioners approved the Gonzalez bid 3-1.
In the city manager’s report City Manager Rick Mestas noted that Senator Heinrich’s staff made a visit to Raton the third in three months expressing an interest in collaborating with the city on the film school also I-27, infrastructure and education. The Police Department has three officers at the academy and are continuing their efforts in recruitment. The new ambulance finally arrived after almost three years. The city will begin the process to order another ambulance expecting it also to take up to three years for delivery. The city has issued the building permit for the Maverick gas station and will have construction plans soon.
Mestas informed the commission he travelled by train to a family function and saw several train stations along the way. Some abandoned others that painted a good first impression of the town for visitors. Mestas noted that Amtrak is sponsoring its Great American Stations Program and he will be working to include the Raton Station in the program to be able to make improvements to our station.
The next regular Raton City Commission will be on August 27, 2024 at Raton City Hall at 6:0 p.m.