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Colfax County Board of Commissioners Regular Session on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 9:00 am


AUGUST 13, 2024 


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Colfax County Board of Commissioners will meet in Regular Session on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 9:00 A.M., in the Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor at the Colfax County Building, Raton, NM for the following: 


This agenda can be viewed at the Colfax County Website at 



  1. Call to Order 
  1. Pledge of Allegiance 
  1. Salute to the New Mexico Flag 
  1. Approve Agenda 
  1. Approve Budget Workshop and Regular Meeting Minutes for July 23, 2024  
  1. Recognize Visitors 
  1. Public Comment 
  1. Discuss/Action – Approve Expenditures. 
  1. Discuss/Action – Approve Expenditures Pursuant to Resolution#2022-49. 
  1. Discuss/Action – Blosser Gap Bridge Replacement – Environmental Clearance Requirements.
  1. Discuss/Action – RFP 2024-02 Legal Services for Colfax County. 
  1. Discuss/Action – Cancel RFB 2024-04, Colfax County Sugar Loaf Fire Station. 
  1. Discuss/Action – RFB 2024-05, Colfax County Sugar Loaf Fire Station 
  1. Discuss/Action – Memorandum of Agreement Between the NM Energy Minerals & Natural Resources Department and Colfax County 
  1. Discuss/Action – Rise Program for MAT at VMDC
  2.  Discuss/Action – RFB 2024-06 – Bartlet Subdivision Paving.
  1. Discuss/Action – Colfax County YES Program FY25, Health Council Scope of Work. 
  2. Discuss/Action – Colfax County YES Program ECECD, Visiting Scope of Work Agreement No.25-00-0000-7. 
  3. Discuss/Action – Colfax County YES Program Home Visitor FY25, Service Agreement

Extension, Alejandra Sanchez.

  1. Discuss/Action – Colfax County YES Program Lead Home Visitor/Lead Family Support

Partitioner/Home Visitor/ Lactation Consultant. FY25 Service Agreement Extension-

Kristin Trujillo. 

  1. Discuss/Action – Colfax County YES Program Home Visitor/ Health Council Co-Coordinator, FY25 Service Agreement Extension- Ashley Medina. 
  2. Discuss/Action – Colfax County YES Program Director, FY25 Service Agreement

Extension- Debra Ortiz.

  1. Discuss/Action –YES Program, Early Childhood Education and Care Department/Home

Visiting, FY25 Program Subcontract Agreement, Clinical Consultant Service Agreement

Extension for Professional Services, between Colfax County YES and Ulibarri Consulting


  1. Discuss/Action – Resolution #2024-31, A Resolution Ratifying Resolution #2024-28 ( A Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 (FY2025) Budget Adjustments), Resolution 2024-29 (A Resolution Adopting the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 (FY2025)), and Resolution 2024-30 (2024 Final Quarter Financial Report Year Ending

June 30, 2024.

  1. Discuss/Action – Ordinance #2024-04 an Ordinance Establishing an Affordable Housing Plan, Defining Terms, Establishing Procedures to Administer. 
  1. Discuss/Action – To Approve the Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance #2024-05: Amending Colfax County Ordinance#2021-02 (Subdivision of Land) For Publication.
  2.  Discuss/Action –To Approve the Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance #2024-06: An Ordinance Authorizing the Operation of Recreational Off Highway Vehicles and All- Terrain Vehicles on Paved Streets Owned and Controlled by the Colfax County for Publication.
  1. Discuss/Action –Treasures New Office and Equipment.
  2. Discuss/Action – Department Inventory.
  3. Closed Session Pursuant to NMSA 1978 Section 10-15-1H (7), Pending Litigation,
  4. Opened Session Pursuant to NMSA 1978 Section 10-15-1H (7), Pending Litigation,
  5. Closed Session Pursuant to NMSA 1978 Section 10-15-1H (2), Limited Personnel Matters, Colfax County Manager.
  6. Discuss/Action – Opened Session Pursuant to NMSA 1978 Section 10-15-1H (2), Limited Personnel Matters, Colfax County Manager.
  1. Manager’s Docket  
  1. Commissioner’s Docket 
  1. Adjourn 


Done this 13th day of August 2024 


Salute to the New Mexico Flag – “I salute the flag of the State of New Mexico and the Zia Symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures”. 


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