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City Manager Contract Extended Agreements Approved at Special City Commission Meeting

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media

Raton City Commission took on the City Manager contract extension along with bids and reports at their July 29, 2024, special meeting. Yes, that’s right it is a special meeting as the regular meeting on July 23 was postponed due to a publication issue where the agenda didn’t make it to the city web page in time.

Commissioners discussed the changing of their August 13, meeting date that conflicts with the 67th annual New Mexico Municipal League conference to be held in Clovis. The first regular meeting for August was moved to Monday August 12, 2024.

Commissioners discussed the possibility of changing the animal ordinance and vacant building ordinance. The discussion stemmed around allowing for large animal grazing on parcels of 5, 10 or 20 acres in size to help keep weeds at bay. The number of animals to be allowed will be determined by the acreage and length of time on the acreage. Commissioners will put forth their thoughts and pass this along to the city manager and zoning board.

 The vacant building discussion concerned the definition of homes for summer residents. A time limit that the building is occupied is one consideration for designating the building as a vacation home. Commissioner Schuster suggested the city look at other municipalities that have a large vacation population to see what they do. Commissioners will provide City Manager Rick Mestas with their thoughts to develop changes in the ordinance.

An ordinance to repeal the Municipal Court traffic safety and community corrections fees was introduced. This is being done after the state passed legislation to eliminate court fees.

Commissioners approved the event form for the Regional Agency Intervention Network event to be held on September 21st. The event will be on 1st Street between Park and Cook, including the Multi-Modal Park.

Commissioners appointed Commissioner Linde Schuster to be a voting delegate at the NMML 2024 annual conference. Mayor Pro-Tem Lori Chatterley is running for treasurer and will be the alternate voting member.

The Lodger’s Tax Advisory Board recommended $1920 be approved for the Ratonian for a 48-week advertising campaign. The campaign will include a sliding banner and mobile ads with four Sunday email blasts and editorial content. Commissioners approved the request.

Commissioners heard about the memorandum of understanding with the Raton Continuum Advisory Board (CORCAB). The agreement is a requirement of the grant and is to help improve the juvenile justice system in the city. The city has been the fiscal agent for the funding since 2009.

Commissioners approved the bid from Northern Mountain Constructors, who was the only bidder, for $1,826,782 for the Taxiway B reconstruction project followed by two task orders to have Molzen Corbin to handle the project and take care of the construction over watch and quality control for the project. They will also oversee Geotechnical testing services.

The 2024-2025 Municipal budget was presented to commissioners for their final approval. This is the 113th fiscal year budget for the City of Raton. The city did get approval for the interim budget from the state. The city has about $14 million in construction projects coming up this fiscal year which will give the city the extra income to meet the budget increase that is proposed this year.

City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci noted there were several items that transitioned over from the interim to the final budget that required extra work this year. Most of the grant reimbursements were met which also added to the complication of the transition. Antonucci noted that the fire department will receive over $200,000 for a new ambulance. The city received the RPS residual payment in the amount of $249,817.45 which was the first time in several years. The last time RPS made a residual payment was November 1st, 2013, in the amount of  $72,747.28. Raton Water Works residual payment this year was $21,767.73 compared to last year when they paid the city $109,606.94. With the gas tax continuing to drop the city may see a shortfall in the street fund. Commissioners approved the final budget.

Commissioners then approved the final FY24 financial reports for the City of Raton, Raton Public Service and Raton Water Works. The city continues to see an increase in GRT with 5.21% above budget to end the year. Both the gas tax and lodger’s tax (-$40,000) fell below budget.

City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci presented the FY24 end of the year budget adjustments. Most of the adjustments are moving money from one line item to another to make sure nothing is left over or under budget.

Resolution 2024-47 designates the official custodian of public records for the City of Raton. City Clerk Desiree Trujillo was officially designated as the custodian of the public record.

Commissioners approved the execution of the one-year contract renewal of the city manager’s contract which will take effect on October 1, 2024, to September 30, 2025.

In the City Manager report the city received the $500,000 Brownfield grant. The city public works department received $7650 grant from the New Mexico Tourism Department that will be used for PSA Campaign, $2500; Anti Littering signage, $1500; Dear Safe Receptacles $2000; and Pet Waste Stations, $1650. The city/county education working group met with NMSU to discuss the expansion of their education program into the region. The Fire Department and Police Department continue their recruitment efforts. The city has started plans for the Animal Shelter improvements while the facility stays on the legislative outlay with some basic work to be done to improve the situation of the animals at the shelter.

The next regular meeting for the city commission will be on Monday August 12, 2024, due to the conflict with the Annual Municipal League Conference in Clovis.


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