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Raton Receives $500,000 EPA Grant to Assess Pollution at 3 Business Sites

 $1 Million from Infrastructure Law to Clean Up Polluted Sites in Raton, Invest in Workforce Development for SFCC

WASHINGTON —  $1 million in grants from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) were recently announced and awarded to Santa Fe Community College (SFCC) and the City of Ratón. This funding was made possible through the Infrastructure Law, which was passed by the N.M. Congressional Delegation, U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Luján, and U.S. Representative Teresa Leger Fernández.

Santa Fe Community College is receiving $500,000 to provide the training, skills, and certifications necessary to enter a wide range of job opportunities in the environmental profession. The City of Ratón is receiving $500,000 for assessment work at polluted sites including the former Northern Colfax County Hospital (the old MCMC), the La Mesa Park Racetrack, and the old Millie’s Market building on South 2nd.

The SFCC grant will support the college’s Environmental Technician Training Program, an intensive 5-week training program that provides certifications and skills for entry level job positions.

The old La Mesa Race Track property will also be evaluated with the Federal Grant money the city has received.
The old MCMC Hospital Building has stood mostly empty for the last several years and is one of the buildings that will be evaluated with the Federal Grant money the City of Raton has received.
Millie’s Market located at 1135 S 2nd Street is one of the three buildings that will be evaluated with the Federal Grant money the City of Raton recently received.
C 2005-2018 KRTN Enchanted Air Radio