By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City commissioners met Tuesday evening May 28, 2024 to discuss the ICIP along with a zoning appeal by Don Cunningham and budget items including the union contract with the firefighters.
The business portion of the meeting began with a public hearing on the Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan. The plan includes Lake Maloya Dam work, downtown drainage, the multi-modal center train depot renovation, Raton Animal Shelter replacement and others. This is all part of a 5-year plan that is used for legislative requests among other planning requests.
Commissioners introduced changes to Ordinance 927 which deals with Municipal Court fees and setting an effective date for the changes. These changes will bring the city in compliance with state statutes.
Don Cunningham came before the commission to appeal their decision at the last meeting, denying him the changes he wanted to make at 1205 S. 7th Street. Cunningham had already started work on a retaining wall and seven-foot fence. Beginning the work before the permit request was one issue the commissioners had with Cunningham. At question is the extra height of the fence and a driveway. Cunningham showed additional photos of the before and after also showing the bad drainage that had previously caused problems. Seeing the improvements and trying to be a good neighbor to Raton and the neighborhood the Commissioners approved the appeal on a 4-1 vote, commissioner Honeyfield voted no.
Commissioners heard about three requests for Lodger’s Tax Advisory Board. Zia Youth is requesting funds for the Welcome home event for Terri “Lil Loca” Cruz for $615 for T-Shirts. Renewal for three billboards totaling $37,275.89 for three years. Phillips Broadcasting is also asking for $7890 for radio advertising. All three of the requests were approved.
Commissioners also heard about a coop agreement with the NM tourism Department and the Center for Community Innovation. The agreement will allow Raton to leverage the NM True brand in its advertising and marketing. This also helps Raton reach a wider audience by advertising on the NM True Facebook page.
The Raton Fire Fighters have been in union negotiations and have reached an agreement which will give them a living wage. The city will begin a recruiting process to recruit more fire fighters and medical personnel. Holidays that the city gets will also be afforded to the firefighters. The department is still down four personnel. The shortage has busted the overtime pay for the department. The agreement will be sent back to the union as there were a couple of minor changes dealing with the holiday wording.
Commissioners approved the E911 grant agreement project No. 25-E-10 which includes work to modernize the current system at a cost of $266,444. This grant comes from DFA and has no match requirement. The grant money comes from the E911 service fee that phone subscribers pay as part of their landline or cellphone bill. The commission also heard about a maintenance program for the emergency generator for the police department. This is a three year agreement costing $15,419 per year.
The city will continue with Better Cities for professional consulting services for community and economic support. There are no changes to the current agreement which makes this a simple extension.
Commissioners heard the overview for the interim budgets for the city, Raton Public Service and Raton Water Works. Commissioners approved all three interim budgets which will be sent to DFA by June 1st for approval. GRT, Property Tax, Small Cities Assistance, Franchise Taxes and Rents and Services along with licenses and permits are the sources of income for the city with GRT covering about 70%. The city budget will plan for a 5% increase in GRT income and will propose a 4% pay increase for non-union employees for Fiscal Year 25. There are at least nine construction projects coming this year that will help with the increase in GRT that totals almost $14 million.
Commissioners heard from City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci about the April 2024 financial report which once again saw a 5.3% increase in GRT above what was budgeted. Antonucci will be working on grant reimbursements to get those taken care of by the end of June. Antonucci noted that the city is managing about $16,000,000 in over 40 grants at this point, and she is expecting to see more coming in the future. (Link to April 2024 Financial Report)
Commissioners also approved budget adjustment #13 that moves money around for line-item adjustments. (Link to Budget Adjustment #13)
City Manager Rick Mestas informed the commissioners that there will be a all hands meeting for all city employees at the Shuler to encourage city employees to continue their fine work service and remind them of the importance of their work to the city and its citizens. Mestas has been working on the Placer AI and in his training learned that about 2600 people attended the event from as far away as Lubbock. He congratulated Carmen Martinez for putting a successful event.
The Next Regular City Commission Meeting will be June 11, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. There will be a potential quorum of commissioners at a meeting for the All Hands meeting on May 29 at 11:00 a.m. and also at a meeting with Congresswoman Theresa Leger Fernandez on May 30 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Kearney School.