By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
The Raton Board of Education met Monday May 20, 2024, and recognized staff members Alice Fitzgerald and Linda Ortiz and community member Leonore Barfield with Student Achievement awards and approved the purchase of a new maintenance vehicles.
State Track participants were recognized for their performance at the state track meet. New Student Senate members for the upcoming school year were sworn in Monday evening at the board meeting.
Board members heard or read principal reports and then dealt with the budget adjustments and transfers before hearing the third quarter financial report. They approved the requestion request for summer cleaning supplies. The bid for a new maintenance pickup from Phil Long Ford in the amount of $73,620 which includes a utility body and snowplow was approved.
The board tackled the discussion and approval of several Title Applications. Each year the board is required to go through the process of reapplying for these funds. Title I $365k will go to Title one faculty and other associated expenses. Title II no information was available at the time of the meeting. Title III is for english language learners. No information was available for Title 4. Title 5 is for rural learners and used for summer school students. The Idea B is used for special education, and they also have not received information on that one as well.
The board members then tackled policy advisory updates. These are updates that come down from the state and will be added to the school policy upon approval of the board.
Advisory 235 deals with school board elections and giving faculty time off to go vote. The new food service regulations were approved. Advisory 237 deals with open enrollment and students going to another school in the area.
Advisory 238 deals with board powers and responsibilities and advisory 239 deals with the board meetings being videoed and or audio and where and how those media are to be kept available to the public. Policy 240 and 241 deals with open meetings act and notification of board meetings. Advisory 242 deals with agenda preparation and dissemination. Advisories 243 and 244 deal with minutes and public participation at board meetings. Policy 245 deals with the superintendent. Policy Advisory 235, 236, and 237 are third readings and the board did approve those policy changes to be added to the RPS school policy. The others were the first reading which means the board members will have more time to read through those policies and by the third reading will vote to add them to the RPS policy.