By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
The Raton Board of Education met for a budget workshop and a special meeting Monday April 29, 2024. The regular meeting date conflicted with a district school board meeting in Mora, so the meeting was moved to the April 29 date.
During the budget workshop Business Manager Myra Baird noted that the new campus design phase will take the next 12-18 months to complete. Board members heard about some of the changes to the budget this year including an increase in revenue of 11% despite student enrollment having decreased this year. With the Student Enrollment calculations, the district will see a budget of $11,715,667 based on student enrollment. Total enrollment next year is expected to be 772.25 down from 893 in the 2019-2020 school year and 786 in the 2023-2024 school year. The budget has changed from $8,242,605 or $4565.41 per student in 2019-2020 to $6442.55 per student in 2024-2025.
Enrollment at Longfellow and RIS have remained fairly consistent with Longfellow seeing a small increase from 234 in August to 246 in April 2024. RIS started the school year with 249 students and is down to 239 at the end of March 2024.
Expenditures for the year include staff salaries at $10,336,509 with operating costs at $4,184,365 with $1,085,000 going to utilities.
Board members heard from Nicholas with Stifel Public Finance and reviewed the final bond terms, interest rates and structure. Interest Rate of 2.51% was locked in, in April this year for the project. Another cost savings to the district will be to do this bond in two financings versus one which will save the district a couple hundred thousand dollars.
Board members heard from RHS Interim Principal Jolene Starr with information on the discipline stats for the high school. Working with a total of 343 students at the high school it was noted that 55 students had been in 32 altercations at school so far this school year August – March. The largest number of students involved in fights came from the three lower grades 7th (19) 8th (11) and 9th (12). The 7th grade also showed the largest number of fights in that grade. There were eight repeat offenders, and the gender mix was almost equal with 15 fights between females and 16 fights between males.
Disciplinary action included the students and parents being involved in a conference with school administrators and 21 of those resulted in law enforcement consultations with four of those resulting in charges. 29 students have utilized the student success center for restorative justice work.
The school has seen 44 students caught with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or vaping. Again the 7th grade saw the highest numbers with 17 students while the 10th grade had 10 students involved in that activity. Nicotine and THC vaping had the highest incidences. The school has installed vape detectors in the restrooms but even that hasn’t curtailed the problem it has only helped to catch students. According to Starr the discipline team that over sees the 7th and 8th graders has several new ideas on what they can do to prevent the problem. The board also agreed with admin that cell phones need to be better controlled and will discuss changing the policy this summer and have even thought about a closed campus.
Ben Munden and Dennis Gonzales are needing to acquire a new maintenance vehicle due to one vehicle having major repair issues. The maintenance department has asked to purchase a new vehicle, but the funding has not been approved by the board. Munden is asking for a vehicle with four-wheel drive and a utility bed with a snowplow capability. Munden will get confirmed quotes for a new vehicle and bring them back to the board at the next meeting.
The board approved the financial report and approved the new calendar which has the required 180 days or 1140 instructional hours. There will only be two parent teacher’s conference days this year. Early release days will return on Wednesdays this year beginning in September. There will be one full week for Thanksgiving and two weeks for Christmas with spring break March 24-28 2025.
Business manager Myra Baird requested that the board approve Manning & Associates for the annual audit. The firm has done the audit for the past few years and Baird would like to continue with them to maintain continuity of services. The cost of the audit contract this year will be $34,080.00.
Link to 2024-2025 School Calendar