Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening April 9, 2024, for the first regular meeting of April with Mayor Neal Segotta and Commissioner Lindé Schuster on the road today. Commissioners began the meeting with proclamations and a public hearing on the budget.
Commissioners begin the budget process in earnest to meet the first deadline, June 1st, to present the interim budget to DFA for approval. City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci is in the process of receiving input from department heads and will plan a budget workshop prior to a meeting or as a stand-alone meeting. Laura Brewer spoke during the public hearing portion of the meeting about the large number of stray dogs in Raton asking for enough money to hire at least another animal control officer as well as help at the animal shelter.
Commissioners approved a celebration permit for Blü Dragonfly Brewing LLC at the Shuler Theater for the Queen Bees Band concert April 17.
Commissioners heard about a grant agreement with the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs for the Aurthur Johnson Memorial Library. The grant can cover equipment, furniture and other needs for the library, but not salaries. The grant is a $6,000,000 grant that is distributed among the libraries in the state. Raton will receive $29,969 for their portion.
Parkhill presented a proposal to the city for landfill monitoring. They have been doing this for the last few years and this is an extension for those services. The contract for this year is a bit more expensive as there is more sampling that is required. The cost of the contract is $34,100 for this year.
Engineering Analytics also received an extension on their contract with the city for engineering services. This contract is for on call services to the city.
Commissioners heard from Public Works Director Jason Phillips about participation in the NMDOT Transportation Projects Fund for street work. The first is a Special Assessment District 18 project which consists of redoing work that was done in the past. The project will remove old asphalt and replace it with new. The request is for $1.2 million for work on three streets, Turnesa, Hogan and Arnold. With TPF projects the city’s match is only 5% instead of the normal 25% which comes out to $60,000.
The second project is for work on Second Street to repair curb and gutter, handicapped access ramps and uplifted decorative concrete and other repair work that needs to be done since the street was redone several years ago. Phillips noted that this is not a city owned street it is a New Mexico highway, and the state will need to be a part of this project. This grant is $900,523 with the city match at $45,026.
Commissioners heard about another grant application for a project under the NM Clean and Beautiful Grant through NM True. The grant is for $29,000 for a small dog park at the visitor’s center with signage and other amenities. The city will match with $7250 non promotional funds.
Amendment #1 to the JJAC contract will move funds from the girl’s circle in the amount of $4455.00 and move them to the boy’s council program. The city is the Fiscal Agent for this contract with the restorative justice program, so such matters need to be approved by the commission.
City Manager Rick Mestas noted the city staff was working on grants and other funding sources. The city has received eight pallets of equipment for the El Raton Media Works and the film school. The City Audit has been approved and auditors are planning to present the audit at the May 14 Commission meeting. A lot of work has been accomplished at the ball fields with public works pushing to be finished up by opening day for Little League. Engineers are looking at ways to expedite the work at the Kearney School. A fix for the elevator at the library has been found and repairs should start soon.
The economic development director is working with the state broadband office and Ann Theis from Better Cities on a grant that the city hopes to know about the outcome by the next regular meeting. Mestas commended Leanord Zamora on the work he has been doing for the city lately.
The next regular city commission meeting is scheduled for April 23, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.

Jayda Cordero, Valerie Alderette, Katherine Peralta, Mayor Pro-Tem Chatterley Colleen Shaughnessy, Jolene Archuleta Duran and Misty Gomez (Link to Proclamation Child Abuse Month)