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Colfax County Board of Commissioners Amended Regular Session on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at 9:00 A.M.

February 27, 2024


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Colfax County Board of
Commissioners will meet in Regular Session on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at
9:00 A.M., in the Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor at the Colfax County
Building, Raton, NM for the following:
This agenda can be viewed at the Colfax County Website at
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Salute to the New Mexico Flag
4. Approve Agenda
5. Approve Special Meeting Minutes, Public Hearing Meeting Minutes,
Regular Meeting Minutes for February 13, 2024, and Special Meeting
Minutes for February 15, 2024
6. Recognize Visitors
7. Public Comment
8. Discuss/Approve-Indigent Care Claim
9. Discuss/Action – Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) By and between the
North Central New Mexico Economic Development District (NCNMEDD,)
and Colfax County for Restoring our Communities (ROC)
10. Discuss/Action – Angel Fire Airport (KAXX) Owned and Operated by
Colfax County, Hanger/Hanger Ground Lease Agreement
11. Discuss/Action – Resolution 2024-12, Amendment to Resolution 2022-51,
A Resolution to Adopt Policy and Procedures for the Abandonment and
Vacation or Closure of Road and County Maintained Right-of-Ways
12. Discuss/Action – Resolution 2024-06 Fee Schedule for Colfax County
13. Discuss/Action – Amendment to Colfax County Financial Policy and
14. Discuss/Action – Ordinance 2024-02, The Amendment to Ordinance 2021-
03, An Ordinance Adopting the Legislative Intent, Findings, and Purpose
Relating to The Regulation of Cannabis
15. Discuss/Action – Appoint Lodgers Tax Advisory Board Members, Laurie
Bunker, Michael Brown
16. Discuss/Action – Amending VMDC Policy, Transport Post Order
Discuss/Action – Agreement Between Colfax County and Rocky Road
Gravel and Well Drilling Services LLC
17. Discuss/Action – Agreement Between Colfax County and Rocky Road
Gravel and Well Drilling Services LLC
18. Managers’ Docket
19. Commissioners’ Docket
20. Adjourn
Done this 22nd day of February 2024
Salute to the New Mexico Flag – “I salute the flag of the State of New Mexico and
the Zia Symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures”.

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