By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening February 13, 2024, for their first regular meeting where they heard reports and started the process to purchase equipment for the ball fields.
Felice Medina was present to give a report on the New Hope Family Counseling & Youth Heartline programs for the restorative justice program that aids students at risk at the area schools. She explained how the program works within the schools dealing with the students that need assistance. January saw 293 students receive help from the services provided. Angie Ortega spoke about restorative programs. They have done 90 of 120 sessions for the year with over 200 students being served. The programs are designed to prevent becoming a part of the justice system and work to mend or repair the problems that crop up.
Demitri Gum and Nicholas Sandoval explained how the programs have helped them adjust to high school life. The programs are designed to help with anger management issues, coping skills adjusting to the changes moving into high school and other issues that create difficulties in a young teen life.
Commissioners heard about Disadvantaged Business Enterprise goals for Crews Field Airport. This report will be used to help with FAA grants and is a requirement for that process. Dusty Longwill, who is the FBO manager talked about some of the projects that need to be worked on including stripping and work on parking areas where the surfaces are beginning to crumble. Commissioners approved the report.
Commissioners approved the introduction of the amendment to Section 91.15 which includes fire codes. The amendment will adopt new fire codes to be used in the city. The new fire codes are changes to bring the city in line with the national fire codes.
Commissioners then began the process of purchasing a Restroom Container from Creative Recreational Design for the ball fields. The purchase will utilize the CES Contract and cost $60,463. The money for this item is from the quality of life grant the city received. There is a very short deadline (June 30) to use the grant money so the city is moving as quickly as possible on these items.
The ball field bleacher system the city will purchase comes from DGJD Inc and will utilize a GSA Contract for the purchase. The cost of the bleachers will be $33,762.00. Again, this is part of the quality of life grant the city received.
The city also approved the purchase of Hygiene Pods (restrooms) for the women’s softball complex on the south side of the ball fields. The purchase of these units will utilize a GSA Contract amounting to $33,964.
Commissioners designated Jason Phillips to be the resident agent for the government liquor license that the city owns. Scott Berry was the agent and since his retirement that position needs to be filled.
Commissioners heard about an MOU with Colfax County for a grant from the Colfax County Permanent Health Care Fund in the amount of $40,000 which will be used to purchase a new defibrillator for the ambulance.
Commissioners deliberated on location intelligence and foot traffic data software from Placer Labs, Inc. The city will use the software for two years to help track business coming into Colfax County and going out. Melina Hein spoke about the software indicating it will be a great tool to help with economic development. Data is collected when people use apps like the McDonalds app. No personal data is collected, only a GPS location when an app is used. The software is being used in a few locations in the state. The data collected can be used for marketing purposes as it allows for information about where people are from in order to create targeted market advertising.
Commissioners approved a change order for electrical add on for the Commission Chambers upgrade. The city will use $5412 to rewire outlets in the room to allow for online presentations and training. The new wiring will not only include electrical but cabling for data transmission.
Four properties in Raton have been placed on a list considering them a dangerous building or property and in need of removal or clean up. The buildings are located at 1521 Cedar, 108 Pecos Avenue, 524 South 1st Street and 1133 Price Street. The city has been working on the clean-up of these buildings for over two years. The process involves notifying the owners of the property once the owner has been established with a registered letter. Followed up by other attempts to notify or work with the property owners. All of this takes time as there is a waiting period between each letter sent to the owners to receive their response. If no response is received then the next step in the process is started.
1521 Cedar Street can be seen from the interstate and has become an eye sore for those coming into Raton on the interstate. Some of the structures that exist on the property have not been built to code and are considered a hazard. The city has been working on getting the owner Stephen Douglas or James Erbes to clean up the mess with no response from the owners nor any action has been taken on cleaning up the property. Owners have 10 days to respond to the resolutions that have been approved to either begin clean up or file a written dispute to the matter.
108 Pecos Avenue has several unlicensed and uninsured vehicles and rubbish in the yard with the city asking the owners to clean up the property. Letters have been sent to John Pescetti in the care of Brenda Abeyta and has not received any response to those letters.
524 North 1st Street This is another building owned by John Pescetti or Brenda Abeyta and has vehicles and other rubbish near the building. Letters again were sent to the owners with no response from the owners.
1133 Price is another property with a great deal of rubbish that sits on the property after a fire demolished a single wide trailer as well as damaging to a single wide trailer next door leaving it in an unlivable condition. Letters have been sent to Carrie Price in the care of Wanda Miller who maintains the estate of Charles Miller who originally owns the property with no response from the owner.
Wanda Miller was at the meeting and indicated that she did not own the trailers only the land the trailers are on. She has tried to evict some of the renters who are not paying rent but due to new Covid era laws, that process has become increasingly difficult. George Riley noted that this resolution will give the city a tool to begin to help Miller get the property cleaned up.
Commissioners approved Resolution 2024-12 to change InBank signature cards by adding Mayor Pro-Tem Lorri Chatterley and removing commissioner Lindé Schuster.
City Manager Rick Mestas mentioned in his report that he and several staff members attended the New Mexico Municipal league events. Records Consultants will be in Raton to begin the annual fixed asset inventory. The city will be deploying the telescoping cameras this week while the fire department will begin the process of testing hydrants this summer. Work began on the tunnel with water being drained and inspections in the works.
Mestas recognized Dr. Ken Erickson who is a Folks Visiting Fellow for the University of South Carolina who is doing research in the Folsom area. While Erickson is not a city employee, he has volunteered to be chair of the City of Raton Education working group. Mestas noted they are forming this working group to look at both education and workforce solutions for the city and county and will meet with the city commission and county commission later this spring to discuss the working groups findings and recommendations.
Commissioners then went into executive session to discuss pending litigation concerning collective bargaining with the Raton Firefighters local 2378 and AFSCME Council 18.
The next regular meeting will be held on February 27, 2024, in the commission chambers.