There will be a Work Session followed by a Special Meeting of the City Council of
the City of Trinidad, Colorado, on Thursday, January 11, 2024, at 8:30 am.
in City Council Chambers at City Hall, 135 N. Animas Street, Trinidad, Colorado, 81082
and through Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 4253 3847
Passcode: 831420
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The following items are on file for consideration of City Council:
1) Discussion regarding natural gas costs
2) City Council vacancy applicant interviews (in the order letter/resume received)
a) Erin Ogletree
b) Darek Thomas Sr.
c) Carl Rusty Goodall
d) Joe Bonato
e) Ashley A. Ryan
f) Carlos Lopez
g) Alison England
h) Andrew MacErnie
1) Selection of individual to fill the unexpired term of Karen Griego until the next
regular election
Individuals with disabilities needing auxiliary aid(s) may request assistance by contacting Audra Garrett,
City Clerk, 135 N. Animas Street, Phone (719) 846-9843, or FAX (719) 846-4140. At least a 48 hour
advance notice prior to the scheduled meeting would be appreciated so that arrangements can be made to
locate the requested auxiliary aid(s).

Trinidad City Council Work Session/Special Meeting on Thursday, January 11, 2024, at 8:30 a.m.
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