By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening November 28 for their last regular meeting of the month where they discussed capital outlay priorities and authorized purchases.
Commissioners went over the capital outlay requests for the upcoming legislative session to begin in January. The Lake Maloya Dam remains the top priority on the ICIP.
Commissioners received the list of equipment to be purchased for the Kearny Film School with most of the items being purchased off the state purchasing contract. The total cost of the purchase is $431,054 will be on the state purchasing contract through B&H Photo and Video. GRT was included and should not have been included so commissioners approved an amount of $430,000. Funds for the purchase are grant funds that the city has already received.
Commissioners then heard about the grant subaward for the 1st Street Tunnel Renovation project. The grant money will be coming from trails + agreement and money from the American Rescue Plan Act. The grant will be for $65,748 to develop a plan for the tunnel renovation. The city’s match is $32,875.
Commissioners approved the RFP Award for specialized engineering services related to the utility improvements at the Shuler Theater. The award went to Mitchell and Cruse Architecture from Carlsbad. A fee proposal and RFP will be provided at the next meeting.
Commissioners approved the bid for Solid Waste Rolloff transportation. Arthur Rolloff was the only bidder at $280 per container totaling $42,000 for 150 loads. It is a 17% increase in costs over the cost four years ago.
Commissioners also heard about a trailer pole camera system. The purchase for this is also on the state purchasing contract with a total cost of $41,182 for one system. The city will purchase two systems at a cost of $101,364 for the two camera systems which includes setup, programming and training.
Commissioners then heard about a change order for repairs and maintenance at the Aquatic Center. The city is seeking to add $10,000 for plumbing work and shower stalls.
Commissioners then postponed Resolution 2023-72 certifying the City of Raton Capital Asset Inventory to the December 12 meeting as it is not quite ready.
Commissioners heard the October 2023 financial report that saw a 6% increase in GRT over budget which is a welcome increase. The October financial report included construction work that continued into the month which in part helped the GRT numbers. Lodger’s Tax has also continued to decline at about 13% so far this year. (Link to October 2023 Financial Report)
Commissioners then approved the FY24 Budget Adjustment #4 which included several line-item adjustments throughout several departments. (Link to FY24 Budget Adjustment #4)
Commissioners also heard from City Manager Rick Mestas about investing some monies from the library fund, $230,054 in a short-term investment that is operated by the NM State Treasurer as a strategy to diversify its funds.
In his report City Manager Rick Mestas noted that Raton received $399,000 in a quality-of-life grant. 75% of the tent in south Raton has been removed and should be done by Saturday. The Aquatic Center is experiencing pump issues with repair parts on order. He also noted that another electric car charging company will install a charging station behind Arby’s.
The city is currently interviewing six people for the position of Community and Economic Development Director and are in hopes of a selection by mid-December. Mestas also recognized the efforts of Raton Fire for their work in freezing conditions last Sunday.
Raton City Commission will meet again on December 12, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in Raton City Hall. Commissioners will meet in a special meeting on December 19, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. The December 26 regular meeting is cancelled per Resolution 2023-21 as it falls so close to the Christmas holiday.