By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening November 14, 2023, where they approved a loan agreement and purchased fog seal material for street repairs and proclamations for Scott Berry and the 100th Birthday of the Sweet Shop.
Bobby Gore is the black lung coordinator for MCMC and is asking for a proclamation for Miner’s Heritage Day event on December 2.
Commissioners approved the event form for the electric static parade to be held on First Street on the Friday after Thanksgiving. The parade will follow the lighting of the city Christmas tree in Ripley Park.
Commissioners acted on Ordinance 1024 authorizing the City of Raton to enter into a loan agreement with the New Mexico Environment Department for a loan in the amount of $150,000 with subsidy grant funds in the amount of $50,000 for a total loan amount of $200,000 for the sanitation department. The funding will be used to purchase a new sanitation truck which will cost over $275,000. Other funding will be used to round out the purchase of the truck.
Commissioners also approved the purchase of fog seal to go over the recently applied chip seal project that covered several city streets this summer. The purchase utilizes the Highland Enterprises, Inc CES price agreement for the purchase. The purchase at this time is to get in before a price increase expected in January takes effect.
City Manager Rick Mestas noted in his notes that that the City of Raton and Colfax County will work with Las Animas County for a cross border summit to work on economic development for the region. Garcia Tents from Albuquerque will be in town to look at the removal of the tent in south Raton. Tesla was in town to look a potential sites for charging stations with the visitor’s center being top of the list.
The next regular city commission meeting will be November 28, at 6:00 p.m. in city hall. City Hall will be closed on November 23-24 for the Thanksgiving Holiday.