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Raton High School Senior 2023 Spotlight: Eric Alexander Burgos

Raton High School Senior 2023 Spotlight


Eric Alexander Burgos, son of Stephanie Burgos


What do you think you want to be when you grow up? Physical Therapist

What is your favorite color? Green

What is your favorite meal and who cooks it for you? My favorite meal is Chicken Nuggets on Break and Ronald makes them

What is your favorite song and why? My favorite song is Jungle by Drake because my glorious king drizzy Drake is in it.

What are your Hobbies? Going to practice and playing fortnite with the boys

What do you like best about RHS? I like how everyone knows each other

What are you most proud of accomplishing in high school? Being a homecoming candidate

What did you learn in high school that you didn’t expect to learn? CAD

What do you think you will be doing in 10 years? Living the good life

Do you have any advice for younger students? My advice for the younger students is to stay away from super seniors

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