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Raton High School Senior 2023 Spotlight: Nevaeh Rae Romero

Raton High School Senior 2023 Spotlight


Nevaeh Rae Romero, daughter of Amber Lucero and Gilbert Romero


What do you think you want to be when you grow up? A Dermatologist

What is your favorite color? Pink and Blue

What is your favorite meal and who cooks it for you? My Grandpa’s Spanish Rice

What is your favorite song and why? Hero by Mariah Carrey because it’s pretty!

What are your Hobbies? Shopping and making tiktoks

What do you like best about RHS? I like the teachers because they are so supportive

What are you most proud of accomplishing in high school? Keeping up with all my classes and never falling behind

What did you learn in high school that you didn’t expect to learn? I learned that high school flies by and that you should enjoy it

What do you think you will be doing in 10 years? I think I will be studying to become a board-certified dermatologist

Do you have any advice for younger students? Focus on school and don’t put anything ahead of your studying

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