By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton city commissioners met two new members of the workforce in their regular meeting Tuesday October 24, 2023, before moving on to the regular business items which included discussion of dangerous buildings and hearing about purchase proposals.
Commissioners heard about the EPA’s Brownfield funding application process and proposed sites to be put on the application request for the 2024 application. La Mesa Park, and the old market just north of the visitor’s center were among the candidates. These buildings are among about 30 that need to be removed. The city missed the 2023 grant by only a few points, so the project was not funded. The city will apply for the 2024 grant with learned knowledge from the 2023 process.
They then moved on to declare a dangerous building at 220 South 1st Street, this is the building next to the Coors Building. The building has foundation and roof issues that are causing drainage issues as well as a dilapidated chimney that will have to be removed. Once the chimney is removed the owner can work on the building as time allows. The chimney is the primary issue that causes it to fall under the dangerous building category.
Commissioners approved the mutual aid agreement with Colfax County to house city inmates at the Vigil Maldonado Detention Center. The cost will be $99 per individual per day to house inmates.
Commissioners received a proposal from Engineering Analytics for design and construction work for a pickleball court at a cost of $117,500. Commissioners held off approving the proposal until they hear about the quality-of-life grant that will help with that cost.
City Hall will be upgrading their phone system with a new state-of-the-art system replacing the current system that is 20 plus years old and replacement parts are becoming hard to find. The new phone system will be digital, and the upgrade will save the city about $700 a month. However, with no upfront costs the service agreement is for five years.
The city approved GIS services for city mapping. The services will include work to digitize the 2009 zoning map and provide files that will work in the IWorQ System.
The city is requesting help with matching funds for a federal grant for the Shuler Theater from the Department of Finance. It was thought that the city would need a fiscal agent but that has since been determined to not be the case so the city will move forward with the grant. The funding will be for plumbing and electrical work at the Shuler.
The city is also requesting funding from DFA for new public works equipment. The city will get about $60,000 and will see just how far that funding goes.
The City awarded Vigil and Associates the contract for professional services for renovation work on the historic Kearny School. The city received two bids from Baker Architecture & Design and Vigil and Associates with Vigil being the firm that received the highest grade of the two firms.
Ordinance 1024 the City will enter into a loan agreement with the New Mexico Environment Department for the purpose of obtaining funds for a sanitation truck. The ordinance will be brought up for a vote at the first November meeting.
Commissioners approved the disposal of a 1993 ladder truck that is in bad shape with a ladder that is unrepairable.
Commissioners heard from City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci about the 1st quarter financial report which shows the city with a continued increase in October GRT, however it was only .75% or $25,817. The two construction projects still have some work to be done and there will be some GRT from those projects. This report is due to DFA by October 31. Lodger’s tax is down about 7% from last year. The cannabis tax was just over $5000.
Commissioners also approved the FY24 Budget Adjustment #3 which includes the transfer of funds for line-item adjustments for office expenses, dues and subscriptions. The police recruitment funding was $225,000. The city received bridge replacement funding in the amount of $531,326 with matching funds coming from the gas tax.
City Manager Richard Mestas spoke about the semi-monthly meeting with Colfax County Manager Monte Gore where they will focus on Economic Development, infrastructure, ports to plains the film project at the Kearny School and housing.
Mestas noted that the audit team is in town for this year’s audit. The police department will have two officers graduating from the academy on November 2, but unfortunately Officer Protsman has left the department. The paving on the frontage road has been completed and is undergoing clean-up work and lighting.
Mestas noted that Jolene Green is leaving the city to pursue opportunities in the health care field and congrats go to Desiree Trujillo for completing Clerk’s training in Santa Fe last week.
The next regular meeting of the Raton City Commission will take place at 6:00 p.m. on November 14, 2023. City Hall will be closed on November 10 in observance of Veteran’s Day.