By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
The Lady Tigers hosted Trinidad for their second home match of the season and oh wow what a match it was as Raton took the match in four very close games Wednesday evening in Tiger Gym.
Even the JV had a tough match going into the tie breaker where Trinidad simply dominated the game after two very close games that were separated by two and three points respectively. Game one saw a tie game at 11, 13, 14, 18, 21, 24 and 25 before Trinidad managed to pull it out. Game two saw Raton come back from a four point deficit to tie the game at 7, 8, 12, 15, 16, then 21 after Raton was down 20-16. A tie at 22 and Raton took off for the win. Game three was all Trinidad as they took a 4-0 lead and went up 7-2 before they simply devastated Raton for the tie breaker.
The varsity match was a wow match as they were very close games with several ties and lead changes. Game one saw was tied from two till Trinidad broke the tie at six and went up 9-6, then 11-6. Raton battled back to tie at 16 where Raton took the lead only to see a tie game at 19, 20 and 21 before Raton managed to take the lead and keep it for the win.
In game two Raton took the lead then it was a tie game from five through nine with Raton taking a 12-9 lead under the arm of Kaylie Doyon who managed to help the Lady Tigers make several points off of her serves during all the games. With a tie game at 17 Raton managed to take the lead and win by three.
Game three saw Trinidad take the lead and never give it up going up 9-3 then Raton battled back to a 13-12 score only to see that go to a 20-14 Trinidad lead. Raton finally fell with a six point game.
Game four saw Trinidad take a 4-0 lead then allow Raton to come back for the tie at 5. Raton took off and went up 11-6 and kept the lead until Trinidad battled back for the tie at 22 and 23 before Raton ended it with two points one off a bad serve into the net by Trinidad.
Kaylie Doyon seemed to get several serves to end in Raton points as all the back girls made saves both out of bounds and on the floor to keep Raton in the game. Lady Miner Cydey Vigil gave Raton fits at the net during the whole match with many blocks dropping over the net for Trinidad points.
JV Game
Trinidad 27 22 15
Raton 25 25 4
Trinidad 22 20 25 23
Raton 25 25 19 25