September 26, 2023
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Colfax County Board of
Commissioners will meet in Special Session on Tuesday, September 26,
2023, at 8:00 A.M.in the Commission Chambers, 3rd floor at the Colfax
County Building, Raton, NM for the following:
This agenda can be viewed at the Colfax County Website at
1. Call to Order
2. Approve Agenda
3. Closed Session Pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 10-15-1H (7),
Pending Litigation, Roadrunner Health Services LLC, Mary Lou
4. Discuss/Action – Open Session Pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 10-
15-1H (7), Pending Litigation, Roadrunner Health Services LLC,
Mary Lou Kern
5. Adjourn
Done this 19th day of September 2023

Colfax County Board of Commissioners Special Session on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 8:00 A.M
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