By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton Volleyball finally made it home for a match against Tucumcari and homecoming as well, what a fitting way to open the newly renovated Tiger Gym to the public with the new seats and bleachers.
The C-Team match got under way first with Tucumcari taking the first game while Raton dominated the second game of the match to send it into a tie breaker game where it went down to the wire with a tie game at 14 and 15 before Raton added two for the win.
The JV match was dominated by Raton who took the lead in the first game and easily went on to take the win. In game two Tucumcari fell behind early in the game but managed to keep it close as Raton maintained the lead to take the win.
In Raton’s first meeting with Tucumcari the Lady Rattlers took the match 3-2. Its homecoming and Raton is looking to get revenge on Tucumcari and with the first game of the match going into overtime it looked like they might just do it. Yet Tucumcari pulled out the first game by two after a tie game at 24. Raton kept the game close tying the game several times.
Game two saw another close one with strong net play by both teams. Raton’s Paige Lemons, Samantha Phillips and Jennifer Mattorano battled Tucumcari’s Harley McKinney, Kirksey Smith and July Lafferty for control of the ball. Raton kept the game close but dropped it by four.
Game three saw Raton fall behind and then battle back to tie the game at 10 and 11 but found themselves making mistakes that ended up costing points. Tucumcari’s play at the net was also strong and blocks found their way to the floor for the points. In the end Tucumcari took the match in three.
Tucumcari 25 11 15
Raton 19 25 17
JV Team
Tucumcari 14 20
Raton 25 25
Tucumcari 26 25 25
Raton 24 21 17