By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Commissioners met Tuesday July 11, 2023 for the first regular meeting of the new fiscal year where they discussed a pay increase for new commissioners and approved grant and funding agreements.
Commissioners heard from City Manager Scott Berry about the Infrastructure Capital Improvement plan to be sent to DFA in August and on to legislators during the next 30-day legislative session to begin in mid-January 2024. The plan includes requests for Lake Maloya dam improvements, the Bartlett Mesa Ranch acquisition, evidence storage facility and drainage and storm drain improvements. Berry noted the state has moved up the deadline to August this year therefore public hearings and comments will be accepted over the next few weeks.
A group headed by Jolene Green has requested that the depot renovation funding be moved up as well as the proposed park at the old El Portal property on the ICIP list.
Commissioners also approved the introduction of an amendment to the Raton Code of Ordinances Section 30.24 to increase pay for new commissioners. Commissioner Ron Chavez indicated that we need to do this to attract younger people to run for the city commission. The current pay is $300 a month and would increase pay to $1000 a month for newly elected commissioners next year.
Commissioners approved the amended contract for Envision IT Solutions who offer IT Services for the city. The total contract was increased to $107,592.
Commissioners also approved the funding request for Grow Raton for Economic Development in the amount of $2500 to be used for recruitment and expenses to establish a tribal gaming establishment in Raton. The gaming establishment is subject to approval by the Department of Interior and the Governor’s office as well. Brandy Dietz, Grow Raton President also introduced Ronnie de Souza Thaxton who will be Grow Raton’s Business Development Coordinator.
Mayor Pro-Tem Lindé Schuster was approved as the voting delegate and Mayor Neil Segotta was voted alternate to the New Mexico Municipal League’s annual state conference.
The city will once again apply for an EPA Brownfield Community wide assessment grant after the city was not awarded the grant last year. The grant is to help assess the condition of buildings that are in bad shape and will need to be demolished. The grant application is due in November and CHA Consulting, Inc. is helping with the grant application and has bid $4000 to help with the grant application.
Commissioners approved the funding appropriation with DFA for public works vehicle specifically replacing snow removal equipment.
Commissioners approved a grant agreement with NMDOT Aviation to purchase mowing equipment at the airport. The city will replace the old tractor and mower with a new John Deere mower. The NMDOT will pay for $155,430 and the city will $17,270 for a total amount of $172,700.
An amendment was brought forth for the Kearney Film Production and Workforce Facility Support to adjust the funding request to $2.5 million. The city’s portion of the matching funds came from state capital funds in 2022.
The city applied for funding from NMDOT for coop monies and have received the grant in the amount of $134,413 with the city’s 25% portion being $33,603. Berry noted the city received more than expected and will have a scope of work later.
Construction has commenced on the frontage road on the east side of I-25 with some traffic delays and it is hoped to be completed late fall early winter time frame. The total project amount is $1.6 million, Berry noted its one of the biggest grants the city has received.
Berry will take part in an aviation planning meeting for work at the airport for the next five years.
Berry will have a discussion with Raton Mainstreet and NM Mainstreet for future funding.
Berry then wanted to recognize the city staff for the work they did over the busy 4th of July weekend and day.
Commissioners will meet again July 25, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the commission chambers at Raton City Hall.
L to R Linda Headley, Lynette Simpson, Mayor Neil Segotta, Brenda Ferri, Rebecca Sakaleris, and Christine Valentini (Link to Proclamation Raton MainStreet July 4th events)