By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
The 2023 Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally got underway Saturday morning to beautiful blue skies and light winds which calmed down even more as the morning progressed allowing for a calm slow balloon ride.
This year’s balloon rally began with 16 balloons and more sponsors than balloons as health issues grounded a couple of pilots, who we hope will return next year. The pilot reception held at the Elk’s Lodge started the event Friday evening. The parking area filled up early Saturday morning and brought well over a hundred spectators to view and photograph the event.
This year saw one of the youngest pilots to fly the event at 28, Shawn Shipman flying Maes Magic. He said he began flying with dad at age two and has been around ballooning ever since. Shipman received his pilot’s license two years ago and flies his balloon along side his dad who is also a pilot flying his own balloon.
Cael Walton, a freshmen at Raton High School, designed the winning logo for this year’s balloon rally. For his efforts Cael was awarded a balloon ride with pilot Tom Gardner Saturday morning.
The Elk’s Lodge served up pancakes and sausage with coffee or juice and Sage Coffee was on hand for specialty coffees this year in their new food trailer.
A beautiful sunrise greeted the early risers Sunday morning for the second day of the 2023 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally. The pancake batter flowed and the sausage crackled as the Elks Lodge fed about 300 people on Sunday after filling the tummy of over 250 on Saturday.
Again the winds calmed and all the balloons took to the sky for another day of great flying. The parking area on the east side of the air field was once again filled with cars and spectators to watch the balloons lift off. Balloons drifted west to begin with and then many rose up high and found the easterly winds and drifted back over the airfield. Variable winds took over and scattered the balloons all over with a couple making it back to the field for a second hop.
Evening rain showers Sunday evening presented Monday morning with clear skies and light southeasterly winds giving the final day of balloon rally a great send off. The balloons inflated and took to the skies heading in a southeasterly direction floating slowly over toward I-27 where many of the balloons landed along the frontage road.
The crowds were expectedly smaller as many folks had to return to work Monday morning leaving the die hard balloon fans to enjoy the nice morning.
Christine Valentini noted this year they had more sponsors than balloons with a couple of families sponsoring balloons in memory of loved one who have passed. This year the Gott Family sponsored Lofty piloted by Gerry Graff, in honor of Cathy and Cindy Gott while the Encinias Family sponsored Maravilla Sunrise piloted by Jennifer Beard in Memory of Tony and Josie Encinias. To fly freely of the bonds of earth seems a fitting tribute to those lost.

The recent June rains have filled a many a watering hole in Colfax County as can be seen south of Raton

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